WAYNE KERR rlc metre punti masura impedanta inductanta impedantmetre

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RLC-metre & Analizoare putere > WAYNE KERR


RLC-metru de precizie 20 Hz..100kHz/ 200kHz/ 500kHz/ 1 MHz Wayne Kerr 4300

• Test components from 20Hz to 1 MHz (43100)
• 0.1% basic accuracy
• < 25ms measurement time
• Parameters C, L, Z, Y, X, B, Rac, Rdc, G, Q, D, Ø
• GPIB / IEEE-488, USB, LAN and RS-232 interfaces

Analizor de precizie componente 20 Hz..500 kHz/ 3 MHz Wayne Kerr 6430B/ 6440B

• Fast automatic capacitor testing
• High measurement accuracy on dissipation factor
• Fast measurement speed
• 0.02% basic measurement accuracy
• Characterize components to 3 MHz

RLC-metru de inalta frecventa 20 Hz..5/ 10/ 15/ 20/ 30/ 50/ 120 MHz Wayne Kerr 6500P

• Precise high frequency impedance measurements
• Characterize components from 20Hz to 120 MHz
• 0.05% basic measurement accuracy
• Comprehensive measurement functions
• Easy to use with large TFT touch screen
• Fully programmable over GPIB and LAN
• Keyboard and mouse optional control

Analizor de impedanta de precizie 20 Hz..120 MHz Wayne Kerr 6500B

• Precise high frequency impedance measurements
• Characterize components from 20Hz to 120 MHz
• 0.05% basic measurement accuracy
• Comprehensive measurement functions
• Easy to use with large colour TFT touch screen
• Fully programmable over GPIB and LAN
• Keyboard and mouse optional control

Analizor inductanta bobina transformator 20 Hz..200 kHz/ 500 kHz/ 1 MHz Wayne Kerr 3200B

• Frequency ranges from 20 Hz to 1MHz
• Fast measurement speed - up to 20 measurements per second
• 0.1% basic accuracy
• Up to 125 A of DC bias current

Analizor de magneti si inductante in transformatoare 20 Hz..3 MHz Wayne Kerr 3260B

• Wide frequency range of 20 Hz to 3 MHz
• Fast measurement speed - up to 20 measurements per second
• 0.1% basic accuracy
• Up to 125 A of DC bias current
• Telecom measurement functions
• Analysis mode with graphical displays

Tester bobine transformatoare telecom Wayne Kerr 3261A

• Automatically tests telecom transformers in a production environment
• Measures Total Harmonic Distortion, longitudinal and transverse balance, Insertion Loss and Return Loss
• Suitable for ADSL, HDSL, ISDN, analog line matching transformers and POTS splitters
• Accurate DC bias current

Tester cu impulsuri bobinaj transformatoare Wayne Kerr 7720

• 200 V to 5 kV production testing of manufactured components
• Non-destructive analysis of winding
• One button go / no-go testing
• Multi Winding
• Corona / flutter testing
• 2,4,6 & 8 port versions



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Categoria: WAYNE KERR rlc metre punti masura impedanta inductanta impedantmetre