HEIDEN Surse tensiune reglabile alimentare programabile inalta putere curent

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Surse reglabile > HEIDEN


Sursa de tensiune curent continuu 1.2~2.4kW Heiden HE-LAB/SMP

• Power: 1.2kW or 2.4kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 600V
• DC Current: 0 up to 160A
• Efficiency up to 94 %
• Compact Design
• Active and Parallel connectable
• Constant Current, Voltage, Resistance and Power Operation
• Digital Interfaces IEEE 488, RS232/485, USB and LAN (optional)

Sursa de tensiune DC putere 3~10kW Heiden HE-LAB/SMS

• Power: 3kW, 4kW, 5kW, 6kW, 8kW or 10kW models
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 1200V
• DC Current: 0 up to 500A
• Efficiency up to 94 %
• Compact Design
• Active and Parallel connectable
• Digital Interfaces IEEE 488, RS232/485, USB and LAN (optional)
• Datalog function

Sursa tensiune DC inalta putere 5~15kW Heiden HE-LAB/HP

• Power: 5kW, 10kW or 15kW models
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 1200V
• DC Current: 0 up to 750A
• Efficiency up to 94 %
• Compact Design
• Active and Parallel connectable
• Digital Interfaces IEEE 488, RS232/485, USB and LAN (optional)
• Datalog function

Sursa liniara de tensiune 750W~15kW TDK Lambda Genesys

• Power: 750W, 1500W, 2.4kW, 3.3kW, 5kW, 10kW or 15kW models
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 600V
• DC Current: 0 up to 1000A
• Very compact design
• Wide input range
• Active PFC (typically 99%)
• Built-in RS232/RS485
• 16-Bit AD/DA converters

Sursa de tensiune reglabila 0.3~1.5kW cu autoscalare Heiden HEA-PS-8000-T

• Power: 0.3kW, 0.6kW, 1kW or 1.5kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 360V
• DC Current: 0 up to 60A
• Wide-range input and active PFC
• Operating modes: CV, CC and CP from 1 kW
• OVP and OTP
• programmable, remote-controlled
• various interfaces such as IEEE488, RS-232, USB, CAN and LAN on request

Sursa de tensiune reglabila 0.3~1.5kW cu Autoscalare Heiden HEA-PS-8000-DT

• Power: 0.3kW, 0.6kW, 1kW or 1.5kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 360V
• DC Current: 0 up to 60A
• Wide-range input and active PFC
• Operating modes: CV, CC and CP from 1 kW
• OVP and OTP
• programmable, remote-controlled
• various interfaces such as IEEE488, RS-232, USB, CAN and LAN on request

Sursa de alimentare DC reglabila 0.6~3kW cu Autoscalare Heiden HEA-PS-8000-2U

• Power: 0.6kW, 1kW, 1.5kW or 3kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 720V
• DC Current: 0 up to 120A
• Wide-range input and active PFC
• Operating modes: CV, CC and CP from 1 kW
• OVP and OTP
• programmable, remote-controlled
•  exchangeable interface boards as IEEE488, RS-232, USB, CAN, Profibus and LAN on request

Sursa de alimentare DC reglabila 1.5~9kW cu Autoscalare Heiden HEA-PS-9000

• Power: 1.5kW, 3kW, 6kW or 9kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 750V
• DC Current: 0 up to 300A
• Operating modes: CV, CC and CP
• programmable, remote-controlled
• 19 "2 to 6 U
• optional as a source-sink
• optional with water cooling
• optional with CAN, Ethernet, IEC (IEEE488/RS232), USB, USB cable

Sursa de putere DC 3.3~15kW cu Autoscalare Heiden HEA-PS-8000-3U

• Power: 1.5kW, 3kW, 6kW or 9kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 1500V
• DC Current: 0 up to 510A
• Wide-range input and active PFC
• Operating modes: CV, CC and CP from 1 kW
• OVP and OTP
• programmable, remote-controlled exchangeable interface boards as IEEE488, RS-232, USB, CAN, Profibus and LAN

Sursa de putere DC pentru testare fotovoltaica 10~15kW Heiden HEA-PS-8000-3U HS PV

• specially adapted for the photovoltaics
• Power: 1.5kW, 3kW, 6kW or 9kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 1500V
• DC Current: 0 up to 510A
• Wide-range input and active PFC
• Operating modes: CV, CC and CP from 1 kW
• OVP and OTP
• programmable, remote-controlled exchangeable interface boards as IEEE488, RS-232, USB, CAN, Profibus and LAN

Sursa DC de curent inalt 120kW Heiden 1138/ 1139

• Power: up to 120kW
• DC Voltage: 0 up to 50V
• DC Current: 0 up to 24000A
• customized configuration
• robust and inexpensive
• Sense, soft start
• remote control, analog, freely definable voltages and currents up to max. 75 kW
• RS485, LAN, Profibus
• Water cooling

Sursa DC modulara de curenti inalti Heiden 1140

• DC Voltage: 0 up to 30V
• DC Current: 0 up to 6000A
• Modular power
• at any time, can be enhanced
• Digital control
• extensive interfaces: analog, RS-484, RS-485, TCP / IP, Profibus
• novel encapsulated air cooling system
• individual voltages on request

Sursa de putere AC curent alternativ mono si trifazata Heiden HE-ACS

• Power range from 250 VA to 10 kVA
• Output voltage from 0-700 V AC and 1000 V DC per phase
• Variable frequency from 1 to 2000 Hz,
• Wave forms sine, triangle and rectangle
• Maximum current up to 80 A per phase
• Simulation of 1 or 3 phases

Sursa de inalta tensiune pana la 70kV Heiden HE-XPSx

• AC mains supplied, modular HV PS in the range of 300 W to 800 W
•  High voltages from 1 kV up to 70 kV
•  Extraordinary control characteristics for output voltage and current.
•  C-charger (KPS and LPS series) with very low output voltage overshoot
•  State-of-the-art resonant converter topology, low EMI



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