HT ITALIA tester retele instalatii electrice securitate protectie izolatie     ROM     ENG  
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Testere instalatii electrice > HT ITALIA


Megohmetru verificare izolatie instalatii electrice mono/trifazate 1000V HT Italia GSC57/ GSC53N/ ZG47

• Continuity on protective conductors PE with 200mA
• Continuity on protective conductors PE with 10A
• Insulation resistance up to 1000V DC
• Earth resistance with 3-wire and 2-wire methods, Ground resistivity with 4-wire method
• TRMS measure and recording of any parameter of Single and Three phase plants
• Harmonic analysis of voltage and current up to the 49th order
• Interface for PC comunication

Tester multifunctional instalatii electrice civile si industriale 1000V HT Italia Combi419/ Combi420

• Continuity test with 200mA
• Insulation with 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000VDC
• Loop Impedance P-P, P-N, P-PE
• Global Earth Resistance without RCD tripping
• Phase sequence indication
• Active, Reactive, Apparent power and power factor on single phase system
• Harmonics voltage/current up the 49th and THD% on single phase system
• Optical-USB interface with PC connection

Tester multifunctional instalatii electrice monofazate 1000V HT Italia Sirius89N

• Continuity test of earth conductor with 200mA
• Insulation resistance up to 1000VDC
• Trip-out time of RCDs type A, AC, general and selective
• Global earth resistance without RCD tripping
• 2-wire and 3-wire earth resistance with rods
• Harmonics voltage and current up to 49° order plus THD%
• Voltage anomalies (sags, surges) with 10ms resolution
• RS232 output for PC connection

Tester verificari instalatii electrice industriale si civile 1000V HT Italia Sirius87

• Continuity test with 200mA
• Insulation resistance
• Tripping time and current of RCDs type A, AC and selective
• Short circuit loop impedance for PN-PE-PP tests
• Earth resistance with rods
• Phase sequence indication
• Voltage and Frequency measure
• RS-232 output for PC connection

Tester multifunctional instalatii industriale si medicale 1000V HT Italia Maxtest2038

• Continuity of earth conductors with 200mA
• Continuity of earth conductors with 10A
• Insulation with 250, 500, 1000VDC
• Line / Loop impedance measure P-N, P-P, P-PE with high resolution
• Recall saved data at display
• RS-232 serial interface

Tester portabil masurare rezistenta continuitate si izolatie in salile medicale HT Italia Equitest5070

• Continuity of earth conductors with <12VAC and >10A test current
• Voltage drop measure
• 4-wire method without test leads calibration
• Recall saved dates at display
• RS-232 serial port for PC connection

Multimetru masura izolatie si continuitate conductoare de protectie 1000V HT Italia ISO410

• Continuity test with 200mA
• Insulation with 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000VDC
• Measure with remote probe (PR400 optional accessory)
• Contextual help at display
• Internal memory
• Optical-USB interface with PC connection

Megohmmetru izolatie si continuitate cu Multimetru digital HT Italia M72

• Insulation Resistance with 250, 500VDC
• Measurement range up to 1GOhm
• Automatic discharging object after test
• Continuity test of protective conductors with 200mA
• DC Voltage
• AC TRMS Voltage

Megohmmetru digital portabil izolatie si continuitate conductoare impamantate 4 Gohm 1000V HT Italia M70

• Insulation with test voltage 250, 500, 1000VDC
• Up to 4Gohm measurement range
• Automatic discharge of device under test
• LOCK feature for continuous measurements
• Programmable timer up to 60s
• Continuity of earth conductors with test current of 200mA
• A/DC voltage up to 600V
• Resistance and continuity test with buzzer

Megohmmteru digital programabil profesional 10Tohm 5kV HT Italia HT7051

• Insulation resistance measurement with test voltage up to 5kVDC
• Measurement range up to 10Tohm
• Polarization Index (P.I.) measurement
• Dielectric Absorption Ratio (D.A.R) measurement
• RS-232 interface for PC connection
• Rechargeable internal battery

Megohmmetru profesional digital izolatie 10Tohm 10kV HT Italia HT7052

• Insulation resistance with test voltage from 500V to 10kVDC in steps of 25VDC
• Measurement range up to 10Tohm
• Programmable timer from 1s to 30min
• Diagnostic test on materials (PI, DAR, DD)
• RS-232 and USB interfaces for PC connection
• Rechargeable internal battery

Tester multifucntional securitate izolatie masini si panouri electrice industriale HT Italia Fulltest4050

• Continuity of protection conductors with 12V/>10AAC
• Continuity of protection conductors with 6V/>10AAC
• Insulation Resistance with 500VDC test voltage
• Withstanding test with 1000VAC fixed voltage
• Withstanding test with 1000VAC fixed voltage in BURN mode
• Withstanding test with up to 4000VAC programmable voltage
• Withstanding test with up to 4000VAC programmable voltage in BURN mode
• RS-232 serial interface

Tester verificare masini electrice si panouri industriale HT Italia Fulltest4058N

• Continuity of protection conductors with 12V/>10AAC
• Insulation Resistance with 500VDC test voltage
• Withstanding test with 1000VAC fixed voltage
• Withstanding test with 1000VAC fixed voltage in BURN mode
• Withstanding test with 2500VAC fixed voltage
• Withstanding test with up to 2500VAC in BURN mode
• RS-232 serial interface

Tester tensiune de pas si de contact curent maxim 50A HT Italia HT2055

• Step/Contact voltage with separated units
• Synchronization between units
• Test current up to 50A
• Earth resistance measurement
• Ground resistivity measurement
• Internal memory for saving results
• USB and RS-232 ports for communication between units and PC

Tester tensiune de contact HT Italia HT2051/ HT2052

• HT2051: power unit
• HT2052: voltage unit



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Categoria: HT ITALIA tester retele instalatii electrice securitate protectie izolatie