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Surse reglabile > KEYSIGHT


Surse reglabile programabile 80-200W Agilent E363xA

• Single and triple output
• 80 W to 200 W output power
• Low noise and excellent regulation
• GPIB and RS-232 standard

Sursa reglabila de tensiune 90/150W Agilent U8001A U8002A

• Excellent regulation (0.01% + 2mV; 0.02% + 2mA)
• Fast 50µsec transient response
• Low output noise of 1mVrms and 3mArms from 20Hz to 20MHz

Surse reglabile de laborator 30-60W Agilent E36xxA

• Linear power supply
• Single, dual or triple output
• 10-turn voltage and current control
• Low noise and excellent regulation

Surse programabile 30-100W Agilent E3640A-E3649A

• Single and dual outputs
• Dual range output
• 30 W to 100 W output power
• GPIB and RS-232 standard

Surse programabile liniare reglabile 40-50W Agilent 661xC

• High throughput
• Precision low current measurement
• Low-output noise
• High-speed programming
• GPIB and RS-232 interface

Surse programabile multiple 25-160W Agilent 662xA

• Multiple sources in an integrated one-box solution
• Dual-range linear outputs
• 2, 3 or 4 independent isolated outputs
• Stable, low ripple and noise power source
• Measured V & I readback over GPIB

Sursa de precizie programabila 80-100W Agilent 663xA

• Fast, low-noise, Single outputs
• Linear output regulation
• Dual-range, precision low current measurement
• High-speed programming, 2 ms (400 µs in fast mode)
• GPIB (SCPI) & RS-232

Surse programabile de precizie 200W Agilent 664xA

• Fast, low-noise Single outputs
• Linear output regulation
• Overvoltage & overcurrent protection
• Measured V & I readback over GPIB

Sursa programabila de precizie 500W Agilent 665xA

• Fast, low-noise Single outputs
• Linear output regulation
• Overvoltage & overcurrent protection
• Measured V & I readback over GPIB

Surse programabile de putere 2000W Agilent 667xA

• Fast, low-noise Single outputs
• Linear output regulation
• Overvoltage & overcurrent protection
• Measured V & I readback over GPIB

Surse programabile de putere 5000W Agilent 668xA

• Fast, low-noise Single outputs
• Linear output regulation
• Overvoltage & overcurrent protection
• Measured V & I readback over GPIB

Sursa programabila de inalta putere 6600W Agilent 669xA

• Fast, low-noise Single outputs
• Linear output regulation
• Overvoltage & overcurrent protection
• Measured V & I readback over GPIB

Sursa curent alternativ cu Analiza putere 375VA Agilent 6811B

• Power: 375 VA
• Voltage rms: 300 V
• Current rms: 3.25 A
• Repetitive & non-repetitive peak current: 40 A

Sursa curent alternativ cu Analiza putere 750VA Agilent 6812B

• Power: 750 VA
• Voltage rms: 300 V
• Current rms: 6.5 A
• Repetitive & non-repetitive peak current: 40 A

Sursa curent alternativ cu Analiza putere 1750VA Agilent 6813B

• Power: 1750 VA
• Voltage rms: 300 V
• Current rms: 13 A
• Repetitive & non-repetitive peak current: 80 A



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