OMICRON Analizoare vectoriale retea retele raspuns frecventa materiale dielectrice     ROM     ENG  
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RLC-metre & Analizoare putere > OMICRON


OMICRON SPECTANO 100 Analizor materiale dielectrice solide si lichide

• Time-domain systems to determine the polarization phenomena (PDC)
• Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) system for more detailed electrical properties analysis within the material
• wide frequency range from 5 µHz to 5 kHz
• the maximum output voltage of 200 Vpeak
• Cost effective and powerful
• Characterize the insulation, polarization and dielectric loss of solid and liquid materials

PICOTEST Injectoare de semnal

• J2100A Injection Transformer
• J2101A Wideband Injection Transformer
• J2102A Common Mode Transformer
• J2110A DC-45 MHz Solid State Injector
• J2111A DC-40 MHz Solid State Current Injector
• J2120A Line Injector
• J2130A DC Bias Injector
• J2140A Attenuator
• J2180A Ultra Low Noise Preamp
• J2150A USB Harmonic Comb Injector

OMICRON BODE 100 Analizor Vectorial de Retea, Impedanta, Raspuns in Frecventa

• frequency range from 1 Hz to 40 MHz
• Frequency Response Analyzer
• Impedance Meter
• Gain Phase Meter
• Sine Wave Generator



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Categoria: OMICRON Analizoare vectoriale retea retele raspuns frecventa materiale dielectrice