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Testare transformatoare > HVPD


HVPD: PDS Insight™ Tester detectie descarcari partiale cabluri, transformatoare, intrerupatoare

• All measurements can be downloaded into a CSV file to enable report writing and analysis.
• The peak graph recorded with the HVPD PDS Insight™ can be displayed and recalled on the tablet.
• Supplied with Headphones.
• Supports the use of multiple languages.

HVPD PDS Insight™ Machines Tester descarcare partiala motoare, trnasformatoare, intrerupatoare

• Supplied with a Smart Docking Station for charging, data download and function checking of the unit.
• Onboard data storage for quick testing and Bluetooth® communication to the Android™ Tablet PC for post-test data analysis, benchmarking and trending.
• All measurements can be downloaded into a CSV file to enable report writing and analysis.
• The peak graph recorded with the HVPD PDS Insight™ Machines can be displayed and recalled on the tablet.

HVPD Kronos® Spot Tester Descarcari Partiale online in transformatoare, cabluri, intreruatoare, motoare

• Compact, robust and easily transportable system.
• Battery powered: 8+ hours of operation for testing at remote locations without the need for a power supply.
• Data acquisition and advanced diagnostic analysis is performed with HVPD Kronos® software.

HVPD Longshot™ Diagnostic Sistem online Diagnoza detectie descarcari partiale

• Automatic identification and classification of PD type with the EventRecogniser© module
• Synchronous, wideband (0–200MHz), 4-Channel data acquisition
• Suitable for off‑line PD commissioning testing with Resonant Test Sets (10–400 Hz)
• Streamlined data acquisition using PDGold© v7 software

HVPD Kronos® Portable Monitor sistem monitorizare descarcari partiale

• Supports Condition-Based Management schemes, reducing unplanned outages, downtime and maintenance costs.
• The 24-channel HVPD Kronos® Portable Monitor captures six signal channels synchronously using its unique Smart Multiplexer.
• With 24 sensor inputs, a single HVPD Kronos® Portable Monitor covers up to four HV motors/transformers together with the switchgear and feeder cables.

HVPD Kronos® Permanent Monitor Sistem fix monitorizare permanenta descarcari partiale

• Continuous OLPD monitoring technology suitable for the insulation condition monitoring of incipient HV insulation faults and OLPD trends in HV networks.
• Suitable for monitoring complete HV networks, including cables, switchgear, transformers and rotating HV machines.
• With 24 sensor inputs, a single HVPD Kronos® Permanent Monitor covers up to four HV motors.
• The 24-channel HVPD Kronos® captures six signal channels synchronously using its unique Smart Multiplexer.



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Categoria: HVPD