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Surse reglabile > TTi


Surse liniare reglabile 30-130W TTi EL-R

• 30W to 130W Linear, Single, Dual & Triple Output
• Independent digital voltage and current meters for each output
• 4 digit resolution
• Switchable local or remote sensing
• Constant voltage or constant current operation

Surse reglabile de precizie 175-420W TTi EX-R

• Single outputs, 35V/5A, 18V/10A, 42V/10A, 20V/20A
• Dual or triple outputs, 35V/4A
• Independent digital voltage and current meters for each output
• 4 digit resolution

Surse liniare reglabile 75-180W TTi PL/PL-P

• 75W to 180W, Precision, Linear,
• True Analog Control
• Single output or dual output models
• Linear regulation - for the best performance

Surse de precizie si laborator 105-215W TTi QL/QL-P

• 105W to 215W, High Precision, Linear,
• Digital Control, Single and Triple Output
• Setting by direct numeric entry or spin wheel
• 1mV resolution at up to 56 volts

Sursa reglabila de precizie 360W TTi TSX/TSX-P

• High power 35V/10A & 18V/20A
• Compact & lightweight high power units
• Bench or rack mounting, front & rear terminals
• Very low noise, excellent transient response

Surse liniare reglabile 90W TTi PLH/PLH-P

• 120V or 250V, 90W, Linear, True Analog Control
• Linear regulation - for the best performance
• Ultra-compact design - uses up less space
• True Analog controls - for ease of use

Surse reglabile de banc 350-840W TTi CPX

• CPX200 - compact dual output 2 x 175 watts
• CPX400A - compact dual output 2 x 420 watts
• CPX400D - compact dual output 2 x 420 watts
• CPX400DP- programmable dual output 2 x 420 watts

Sursa reglabila de banc 1200W TTi QPX1200S/QPX1200SP

• Up to 60 volts and up to 50 amps maximum
• PowerFlex design gives variable voltage & current combinations
• Higher current capability at lower voltages

Sursa reglabila duala 1200W TTi QPX600D/QPX600DP

• Dual independent or tracking 600 watt outputs
• PowerFlex+ design gives ultra-wide range of voltage/current combinations
• Up to 80V and up to 50A within each power envelope



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Categoria: TTi Surse tensiune curent continuu Sursa alimentare reglabila stabilizata laborator comutatie dubla dc power supply programabila