HT ITALIA analizoare foto voltaice calitate energie electrica instalatii panou     ROM     ENG  
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Analizoare solare fotovoltaice > HT ITALIA


Tester securitate sisteme panouri fotovoltaice HT PVCHECK

• Safety test of PV installation
• Continuity test on protective conductors with 200mA
• Insulation test with test voltage of 250, 500, 1000VDC
• DC voltage
• DC current
• DC Power
• Solar irradiation [W/m2] with reference cell

Tester securitate electrica sisteme si izolatie instalatii fotovoltaice HT Italia Solar200

• Continuity of protective conductors with 200mA
• Insulation with test voltages of 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000VDC
• Tripping time of RCDs type A, AC, general and selective up to 500mA
• Tripping current of RCDs type A, AC, general and selective up to 500mA
• Impedance of Loop/Line P-N, P-P, P-PE, also with high resolution (0,1mOhm)
• Ipsc calculation
• Optical/USB interface for PC connection

Analizor calitatea puterii sisteme fotovoltaice mono si tri-fazice HT Italia Solar300N

• DC/AC TRMS (single-phase and three-phase) voltage and current measurement
• DC/AC (single-phase and three-phase) power measurement
• AC (single-phase and three-phase) energy measurement
• Measurement of power factor (cosphi) single-phase and three-phase
• Measurement of solar irradiation [W/m2]
• Recording of voltage and current harmonics up to the 49th
• Recording of voltage anomalies (dips, peaks)
• Flicker analysis in compliance with standard EN50160

Tester verificare caracteristica I-V in panouri fotovoltaice si celule solare HT I-V400

• Measurement of output voltage from module/string up to 1000V DC
• Measurement of output current from module/string up to 10A DC
• Measurement of solar irradiation [W/m2] with reference cell
• Measurement of environmental/module temperature, automatic or by means probe
• Measurement of output DC and nominal power from module/string
• Numerical and graphical display of I-V characteristic
• Optical/USB port for PC connection

Tester multifunctional masurare si verificare instalatii fotovoltaice monofazate HT Italia Solar I-V

• Testing on PV installation
• I-V curve measurement
• DC/AC TRMS Voltage
• DC/AC TRMS Current
• DC power
• AC active power on single-phase systems
• Solar irradiation [W/m2] with reference cell
• Optical/USB port for PC connection



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Categoria: HT ITALIA analizoare foto voltaice calitate energie electrica instalatii panou