EXTECH testere umiditate temperatura lumina presiune

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Testere de mediu > EXTECH


Tester umiditate sol EXTECH MO750 Umidometru Higrometru

• Meter with Heavy-Duty 8" (20cm) Probe
• Soil moisture content measurement from 0 to 50%
• Easy one-hand operation
• Min/Max records minimum and maximum moisture readings
• Data hold to freeze reading on display
• Water resistant

Tester umiditate EXTECH MO257

• Non-invasive moisture content measurements in wood/building materials
• Measures relative moisture of various building materials including wood, particle board, carpeting, and ceiling tiles using non-invasive Pinless Technology
• Multifunction backlit triple LCD display
• Pinless measurement depth from 0.78" (20mm) to 1.6" (40mm) below the surface
• High frequency sensing technology

Clorimetru pentru masurare Cl liber si Cl total - Extech CL500

• Clorimetru pentru masurare Cl liber si Cl total - Extech CL500
• Extech CL500 este utilizat pentru a masura atat Cl liber cat si Cl total pina la 3.5 ppm cu rezolutie de 0.01ppm.
• Metoda utilizata este adaptata din metoda USEPA 330.5 pentru ape reziduale si metoda standard 4500-Cl-G pentru apa potabila.

Conductometru portabil - Extech EC210

• Conductometru portabil compact pentru determinare:
• conductivitate
• total solide dizolvate TDS
• temperatură

Kit Tester multifunctional ExStik 4 in 1 (clor, pH, ORP si temperatura) - Extech EX900

• Includes CL200 meter, pH and ORP electrodes, reagent tablets, 4 plastic cups, weighted stand, pH buffer pouches, batteries and carrying case
• 4-in-1 Water Quality Meter measures Chlorine, pH, ORP plus Temperature with interchangeable flat surface electrodes (included)
• Flat surface electrodes work in liquids, semi-solids and solids
• Memory stores and recalls 15 readings and saves last calibrated value
• Large 3-1/2 digit (2000 count) Digital display with bargraph

Extech DT100M Telemetru Laser

• 2" to 330ft (0.05 to 100m) measurement range
• Automatically calculates Area and Volume
• Indirect measurement using Pythagorean theorem
• Continous mode with min/max function
• Displays Sum (+) / Difference (-) of multiple readings
• Front or rear edge reference

Extech DT200 Telemetru Laser masura distante pana la 35m

• Measures from 2" to 115' (0.05 to 35m)
• Laser measurement accurate to 0.08 inches at 32 feet
• Historical Storage recalls the previous 10 records (measurements or calculated results)
• Automatically calculates Area and Volume
• Indirect measurement using Pythagorean theorem

Extech DT300 Telemetru Laser max 60m

• Measures from 2" to 197' (0.05 to 60m)
• Laser measurement accurate to 0.06 inches at 32 feet
• Historical Storage recalls the previous 20 records (measurements or calculated results)
• Automatically calculates Area and Volume
• Indirect measurement using Pythagorean theorem

Extech DT500 Telemetru Laser distanta 70m cu Bluetooth

• Integrated Bluetooth® connects with iOS devices to transmit readings for remote viewing
• Works with free Apple app to display large easy-to-read values up to 30ft (10m) away
• Measures up to 229ft (70m) with a target plate
• Automatically calculates Area and Volume
• Indirect measurement using Pythagorean Theorem
• Continuous measurement function with Min/Max distance tracking updates every 5 seconds

Extech AN25 Anemometru masura index de incalzire

• Built-in multiparameter sensors measure Air Velocity, Heat Index, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Humidity, Ambient Temperature, Dew Point, Wet Bulb, Temperature, and Windchill
• MIn/Max/Average (5sec/10sec/13sec)
• Data Hold, Auto Power Off with disable
• Replaceable Mini impeller (vane)
• Complete with CR2032 battery

Extech HT200 Tester nivel strs termic (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature)

• Meter accurately determines the Heat Stress level by factoring a combination of humidity, temperature, air movement, and direct solar radiation
• Uses a capacitance sensor to accurately measure Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Black Globe Temperature (TG), Relative Humidity (%RH), Air Temperature (TA), Wet Bulb (WT) and Dew Point (DEW)
• Black Globe Temperature (TG) monitors the effects of direct solar radiation on an exposed surface
• In/Out function displays the WBGT value with or without direct sun exposure

Extech HT30 Tester nivel stres termic WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) Meter

• Heat Stress Index measures how hot it feels when humidity is combined with temperature, air movement, and radiant heat
• Black Globe Temperature (TG) monitors the effects of direct solarradiation on an exposed surface
• In/Out Function displays the WBGT value with or without direct sun exposure

Extech HW30 Cronometru Temperatura-Umiditate HeatWatch™

• User adjustable Heat Index alarm
• Stopwatch/chronograph mode with 1/100 second resolution
• Fastest/Slowest/Average Lap recall
• 99 lap counter with 30 lap/split memory
• 10 hour countdown timer with audible beeper warning for the last 5 seconds
• Programmable alarm
• Calendar mode displays day, month, and date

Extech RH25 Psihrometru Index incalzire

• Built-in multiparameter sensor measures Heat Index, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Humidity, Ambient Temperature, Temperature, Dew Point and Wet Bulb
• User Programmable Heat Index/WBGT alarm
• MIn/Max/Average
• Data Hold, Auto Power Off with disable
• Complete with CR2032 battery

Extech RHT35 Datalogger USB Umiditate Temperatura Presiune barometrica

• Compact size housing with built-in NTC thermistor, capacitive humidity sensor, and barometric pressure MEMS sensor designed with standard USB connector for easy data downloading to a PC
• 5-digit LCD display with battery life indicator
• User programmable settings: 6 languages, sample rate, start delay time, alarm delay time, high/low alarm range, and security feature
• Status Indication via Red and Green LEDs
• Start button begins continuous datalogging, which continues until memory is full at 48,000 readings (16K for each parameter), or when Stop button is pressed
• Bookmark 8 locations in a data recording log with a press of the Mark button

Extech SD500 Datalogger inregistrare date Umiditate si Temepratura

• Dual LCD simultaneously displays Relative Humidity and Temperature readings
• Datalogger stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
• Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds or Auto
• Complete with six AAA batteries, SD memory card, universal AC Adaptor, and mounting bracket

Extech SD700 Datalogger inregistrator Presiune barometrica, temperatura si umiditate

• Displays Barometric Pressure in 3 units of measure: hPa, mmHg, and inHg
• Triple LCD simultaneously displays Barometric Pressure, Temperature, and Relative Humidity
• Datalogger date/time stamps and stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format for easy transfer to a PC
• Selectable data sampling rate: 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 seconds
• Complete with (6) AAA batteries, SD memory card, Universal AC adaptor, and mounting bracket

Extech SDL500 Datalogger Higrometru Termometru

• Relative Humidity, Temperature, Dew Point, and Wet Bulb measurement
• Adjustable data sampling rate
• Stores 99 readings manually and 20M readings via 2G SD card
• Type K/J Thermocouple input for high temperature measurements
• Large backlit dual LCD display

Extech 42275 Datalogger TEmperatura-Umiditate cu interfata PC

• Wide operating temperature range: -40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)
• Humidity range: 0 to 100% RH
• Records up to 16,000 readings (8,000 readings for each parameter)
• Use in storage containers, shipping vans, freezers and more
• Logs data for days, weeks or months - up to 1 year battery life

Extech 42280 Datalogger temperatura si umiditate

• Triple LCD displays Humidity, Temperature, and date (Year, Month, and Day)
• Programmable from keypad or PC
• Selectable data sampling rate
• User programmable audible and visual alarms
• Wall, desktop, or tripod mount
• Calibration via optional salt bottles
• Complete with Windows® compatible software, USB cable, universal AC adaptor, and four AA batteries

Extech RH520A-220 Inregistrator grafic temperatura si umiditate

• Simultaneous numerical and graphical display of Humidity and Temperature readings, plus Time and Date
• Measures Humidity (10 to 95%RH) and Temperature (-20.0°F to 140.0°F) plus calculates Dew Point
• Basic accuracy 3%RH, 1.8°F/1°C
• Large dual graphical LCD displays with adjustable vertical and horizontal TAC resolution
• Internal memory records up to 49,000 data points and can be transferred to a PC via RS-232 serial port for further data analysis
• LCD indicates percentage of memory remaining
• Comes with 220V AC power supply

Extech 401025 Luxmetru

• Accurately displays light level in terms of Fc or Lux over three ranges
• Select fast (1 second) or slow (2 seconds) response time
• Analog output of 1mV per count for capturing readings to a recorder

Extech 401027 Luxmetru mini portabil

• Easy to operate Foot candle light meter with 2 ranges
• Convenient pocket size design
• Overrange indication

Extech 407026 Luxmetru solid cu interfata PC

• Simultaneous display of Foot Candles or Lux and lighting type
• Large 1.4" (1999 count) LCD display
• % displays differential from reference point
• "ZERO" Re-Calibration
• Utilizes precision photo diode and color correction filter
• Cosine and color corrected measurements

Extech EA30 EasyView Luxmetru gama extinsa

• Compact and rugged design
• Widest range to 40,000Fc/ 400,000Lux is ideal for outdoor applications
• Large display with bargraph, Relative function for zero or difference from reference value
• Peak function captures short light pulse, Data Hold and Min/Max readings
• Auto power off, Zero function

Extech EA31 EasyView™ Luxmetru

• Compact and rugged design with large display
• Low range model measures to 2,000Fc/ 20,000Lux
• Data Hold and Min/Max readings
• Auto power off

Extech EA33 EasyView™ Luxmetru cu memorie

• Large LCD display with advanced illuminance functions and features
• Wide measurement range to 99,990Fc (999,900 Lux) with resolution of 0.001Fc and 0.01Lux
• Luminous intensity (candela) calculations
• Store and recall up to 50 measurements, includes relative or real time clock stamp
• Ripple function excludes the effect of stray light from the primary light source measurement
• Timed-Hold, Relative in absolute value or % deviation, and Comparator function with high low alarms

Extech EN100 Tester parametri mediu multifuntional 11-in-1

• Built-in sensors measure Air Velocity, Air Flow, Temperature, Humidity, Wet Bulb, Dew Point, Heat Index, Wind Chill, Barometric Pressure, Altitude, and Light
• Field replaceable low friction vane wheel improves air velocity accuracy
• Backlit LCD display (auto off after 5 seconds)
• Data Hold, Auto Power Off, Auto-rotating display depending on function
• Complete with built-in multiparameter sensors, wrist strap, and CR2032 battery

Extech HD400 Luxmetru

• Large backlit LCD display with 40-segment bar graph
• Wide range to 40,000Fc or 400,000 Lux
• Cosine and color corrected measurements
• Utilizes precision silicon photo diode and spectral response filter
• Peak mode (10mS) captures highest reading

Extech HD450 Luxmetru cu Datalogging

• Automatically stores up to 16,000 readings or manually store/recall up to 99 readings
• Large backlit LCD display with 40-segment bar graph
• Wide range to 40,000Fc or 400,000 Lux
• Cosine and color corrected measurements
• Utilizes precision silicon photo diode and spectral response filter
• Peak mode (10mS) captures highest reading

Extech LT10 Luxmetru de buzunar

• Measures light intensity up to 4000Fc/40000Lux with measuring rate of 1.5 times/second
• Pocket-sized housing with easy one-button operation
• Large, backlit LCD display
• Double-molded side grip
• Tripod mount (tripod not included)
• Complete with 9V battery

Extech LT300 Luxmetru

• Wide range to 40,000Fc or 400,000 Lux with max resolution to 0.01 Fc/Lux
• Relative mode indicates change in light levels, peak mode captures highest reading
• Remote light sensor on 12" (30.5cm) coiled cable - expandable to 24" (61cm)
• Utilizes precision photo diode and color correction filter
• Large LCD display with analog bargraph
• Backlight for readings in low light levels
• Complete with 9V battery, light sensor with protective cover, protective holster, and soft case

Extech SDL400 Luxmetru cu inregistrare Datalogging

• Wide range to 10,000Fc or 100kLux
• Cosine and color-corrected measurements
• Utilizes precision silicon photo diode and spectral response filter
• Offset adjustment used for zero function to make relative measurements
• Adjustable data sampling rate

Extech LT40 Luxmetru

• Measure white LED and Standard Lighting in Lux or Foot-Candle (Fc) units
• Built-in sensor with protective cover
• 4000 count LCD display
• Cosine and color corrected measurements
• Min/Max Average and Auto Power Off
• Complete with 2 AAA batteries, and pouch

Extech LT45 Luxmetru color LED

• Measure White, Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue LED and Standard Lighting in Lux or Foot-Candle (Fc) units
• Manually store/recall up to 99 readings
• 4000 count LCD display
• Cosine and color corrected measurements
• Min/Max Average and Auto Power Off
• Complete with light sensor with protective cover and coiled cable expandable to 59" (1.5m), 9V battery, and hard carrying case

Extech EN150 Tester mediu 11-in-1 cu masura UV

• Built-in sensors measure Air Velocity, Air Flow, Temperature, Humidity, Wet Bulb, Dew Point, Heat Index, Wind Chill, Barometric Pressure, Altitude, and UV Light
• Field replaceable low friction vane wheel improves air velocity accuracy
• Backlit LCD display (auto off after 5 seconds)
• Data Hold, Auto Power Off
• Complete with built-in multiparameter sensors, wrist strap, and CR2032 battery

Extech SDL470 Tester lumina UVA/UVC Luxmetru cu Datalogging

• UVA probe captures long-wave 365nm UV irradiance measurements under a UVA (black light) source
• UVC probe captures short-wave 254nm UV irradiance measurements under a UVC light source
• Cosine correction filter and metal housing
• Datalogging feature records readings with date and time stamp on an SD card (included) in Excel® format
• Offset adjustment used for zero function or to make relative measurements
• Adjustable data sampling rate from 1 to 3600 seconds

Extech UV510 Tester lumina luxmetru UVA

• Sensor wavelength range 320 to 390nm
• UV sensor with cosine correction measures irradiance from UVA light sources up to 20.00mW/cm²
• Backlit LCD to view in dimly lit areas
• Zero function
• Data Hold and Min/Max functions

Extech MO210 Umidimetru de buzunar

• Use on wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
• Replaceable threaded measurement electrode pins
• Self-contained, pocket sized meter with belt clip

Extech MO220 Umidimetru umiditate lemn

• Monitor moisture in wood and other building materials
• Measure directly with the built-in moisture pins or use remote hand-press probe on hard surfaces
• Memory contains 8 wood groups with calibrations for approximately 170 species of wood
• Designed in a rugged double molded housing construction and is pocket sized for one-handed operation

Extech MO230 Umidimetru de buzunar

• Displays moisture in wood and other building materials plus Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
• Digital LCD readout with analog bargraph and numerical displays
• Simultaneous digital readout of moisture content plus ambient temperature or humidity with analog bargraph display of moisture, Max moisture values, and programmable wet/dry indication
• Use on wood, paper, wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar

Extech MO25 Umidimetru tip stilou

• Easy-to-use one button operation
• Data Hold and Auto power off
• Battery level check on power-up
• Complete with protective cap, built-in pocket clip, and one AAA battery

Extech MO50 Tester umiditate

• Displays moisture level in wood and building materials such as wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
• Audible Alert - tone rate beeps faster as the moisture level increases
• Icons display low, medium and high levels of moisture content
• Easy-to-use, compact-sized design

Extech MO57 Umidimetru fara ac

• Pinless moisture measurement depth to <4" (100mm)
• Measures Moisture up to 99.9% for Wood and other building materials
• Displays moisture level in wood and building materials such as wall board, sheet rock, tiles, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
• Audible Alert - Tone rate beeps faster as the moisture level increases
• Icons display low, medium and high levels of moisture content

Extech MO280 Tester umiditate ne-invaziv fara ac

• Non-invasive measurement to monitor moisture in wood and other building materials
• Select from 10 wood types and measurement ranges
• Measurement depth to 0.75" (20mm) below the surface
• LCD displays % moisture of wood or material being tested

Extech MO53 Umidimetru fara ac intepare

• Pinless moisture measurement depth to <0.75" (20mm)
• Measures Moisture up to 99.9% for Wood and 56.5% for other building materials
• Displays moisture level in wood and building materials such as wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
• Audible Alert - Tone rate beeps faster as the moisture level increases

Extech MO26 Umidimetru tester umiditate

• %WME (wood moisture equivalent) pin moisture reading
• Relative pinless moisture reading for non-invasive measurement
• Digital LCD readout with backlighting feature and tri-color LED bargraph
• Quickly indicates the moisture content of materials

Extech MO265 Tester umiditate lemn metodele cu si fara intepare

• Choice of measuring moisture in wood and other building materials with pinless technology or use traditional remote pin probe (included)
• %WME (wood moisture equivalent) pin moisture reading
• Relative pinless moisture reading for non-invasive measurement
• Digital LCD readout with backlighting feature and tri-color LED bargraph
• Quickly indicates the moisture content of materials
• Pinless measurement depth to 0.75" (22mm) below the surface

Extech MO290 Psihrometru umiditate + Temperatura infrarosu

• Measure Humidity, Air Temperature (with built-in probe) plus non-contact InfraRed Temperature
• Pinless moisture sensor allows to monitor moisture in wood and other building materials with no surface damage
• Remote pin-type probe (MO290-P) for contact moisture readings (3ft/0.9m cable length)
• Select from multiple wood types and measurement ranges
• Easy to read, large dual display with backlit feature

Extech MO297 Psihrometru umiditate cu masurare temperatura IR

• Quickly indicates the moisture content of materials with Pinless technology without damaging the surface
• Remote Pin-type probe (MO290-P included) allows for contact moisture readings (3ft/0.9m cable length)
• Manually store/recall up to 20 labeled readings
• Works on multiple wood types and other building materials
• Easy to read, large dual display with automatic backlight feature

Extech MO55 Tester umiditate umidometru

• Displays moisture level in wood and building materials such as wall board, sheet rock, cardboard, plaster, concrete, and mortar
• Pinless moisture measurement depth to <1" (25mm)
• Audible Alert — Tone rate beeps faster as the moisture level increases
• Icons display low, medium and high levels of moisture content
• Easy-to-use, compact-sized design

Extech PD20 Termo-pedometru

• Total Step mode displays the total accumulated steps user walked after 7-day storage
• Auto power saving mode when meter detects no movement for 10 minutes
• Includes case with built-in clip to wear on your clothes and designed with lanyard insert hole (lanyard not included) to wear around your neck
• Complete with CR2032 battery and nylon case with window opening for display viewing and belt-clip

Extech 48VFL11 Controler temperatura cu iesire releu

• One relay output
• Dual 4-digit LED displays of process and setpoint values
• User friendly menus and tactile keypad for easy programming
• One-touch autotuning for quick setup & precise control
• Fuzzy Logic PID offers intuitive control simulating human control logic

Extech 96VFL11 1/4 DIN Controler temepratura PID cu 2 iesiri de relee

• Two relay outputs
• Dual 4-digit LED displays of process and setpoint values
• User friendly menus and tactile keypad for easy programming
• One-touch autotuning for quick setup & precise control

Extech RHT50 Datalogger de umiditate-temperatura-presiune

• Datalogs up to 10,000 readings with a user programmable sample rate
• USB interface for easy set-up and data download
• Selectable Atmospheric Pressure Units: psi, hPa, kPa, and bar
• Selectable data sampling rate from 1 minute to 18 hours

Extech SD750 Datalogger de presiune pe 3 canale

• Triple LCD simultaneously displays 3 pressure channels
• Up to 5000psi with 4-20mA output
• 4-20mA input with readout in 9 units of measure
• Datalogger date/time stamps and stores readings on an SD card in Excel® format

Extech SDL700 Tester de preiune ci inregistrare Datalogger

• Accepts interchangeable transducers with ranges of 30, 150, 300psi (transducers sold separately)
• Meter automatically senses plug-in transducer's range and calibration
• Displays 10 types of pressure units
• Offset adjustment used for zero function to make relative measurements

Extech 407910 Tester presiune diferentiala manometru

• ±29psi with 0.02psi resolution
• 8 selectable units of measure
• Zero function for offset measurements
• Data Hold, Auto power off, and Min/Max functions



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