TERAHERTZ OTDR reflectometre fibra optica tester analizoare multimetre aparate masura

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OTDR & Testere fibra optica > TERAHERTZ


Analizor OTDR testare retea fibra optica Terahertz Viper FTE-7000

• Integrated LTS
• 32 dB Dynamic Range
• Instant On
• Fast Real time
• Event Table with Pass/Fail Feature
• Short Dead Zone
• Available in Single and Dual Wavelength

Analizor OTDR testare retea fibra optica Terahertz FTE-7500

• 32 dB Dynamic Range
• Integrated Auto-Wavelength LTS
• Instant On
• Fast Real time
• Event Table with Pass/Fail Feature
• Short Dead Zone
• SM, MM and Quad Units Available

Analizor OTDR testare retea fibra optica Terahertz FTE-7500A

• 36 dB Dynamic Range
• Instant On
• 1 Meter Dead Zone
• Event Table with Pass/Fail Feature
• Trace Overlay Capability
• Onboard Memory for ~500 traces
• Auto Test Power Meter

Analizor CWDM OTDR fibra optica Terahertz FTE-7500

• 30 dB Dynamic Range
• Instant On
• Fast Real time
• Event Table with Pass/Fail Feature
• Short Dead Zone
• Trace Overlay Capability
• Onboard Memory for 1000 traces

Analizor PON OTDR fibra optica Terahertz FTE-7500

• 31 dB Dynamic Range
• Integrated Auto-Wavelength LTS
• Instant On
• Fast Real time
• Event Table with Pass/Fail Feature
• Short Dead Zone
• Trace Overlay Capability

Analizor canale CWDM fibra optica Terahertz FTE-8000

• Small - Handheld Size
• Available in 8 or 18 Channels
• Easy to Use
• Displays all 18 channels on the ITU grid
• One Button Auto Test or Selectable Scale Limits
• Full Feature Set
• Rugged Aluminum Case with Impact Resistant Rubber Boot

Analizor spectru optic canale DWDM Terahertz FTE-8000

• Small - Handheld Size
• Easy to Use
• One Button Auto Test or Selectable Scale Limits
• 50 or 100 GHz Spacing
• Full Feature Set
• Rugged Aluminum Case with Impact Resistant Rubber Boot
• Store up to 1000 Test

Atenuator optic variabil reglabil Terahertz FTE-4000

• Integrated Power Meter
• Up to 80 dB Attenuation
• Typical Insertion Loss <2dB (40dB Model)
• Remotely Program Sweep Settings
• Adjustable step sizes
• USB PC Interface w/Remote Operation
• Absolute/Relative Attenuation Settings

Sursa laser optic acordabila Terahertz FTE-6000

• Selectable Step Size Down to 50 GHz
• Selectable Start & Stop Channels
• Settable in Wavelength or Frequency
• Settable Dwell Time
• Available in C or L Band
• Sealed Rugged Case with Impact Resistant Boot
• USB PC Interface with Remote operation Capability

Power-metru optic si Sursa de lumina Terahertz 1500

• Automated loss measurements for three wavelengths
• Auto Wavelength Recognition
• Universal Power Meter and Light Source adapters FC/ST and SC
• Power Meter with 80 dB dynamic Range
• Stable single port triple wavelength laser source
• Storage for 200 triple wavelength loss measurements

Set testare pierderi fibra optica Terahertz LTS-1500

• Automated loss measurements
• Auto Wavelength Recognition
• InGaAs detector for temperature stability and wide dynamic range
• Universal Power Meter and Light Source adapters FC/ST and SC
• Power Meter with 80 dB dynamic Range
• Power meter accepts any connector with a 2.5 mm ferrule

Locator vizual defecte fibra optica Terahertz VFL-280

• 100 hour battery life with 2 AA Alkaline batteries
• Operates with Singlemode or Multimode fiber
• Universal 2.5 mm Connector
• Replaceable split sleeve
• 650 nm wavelength
• Compact size

Identificator fibra optica Terahertz FTE-50

• Compact Alloy Case
• Shipped with 4 interchangeable adapters
• Identification without traffic Interruption
• Displays signal direction and power level

Sonda inspectie video fibra optica Terahertz VP-150

• VP-100 VideoProbe
• VP-150 Video Scope/Probe

Chopper Optic cu PLL Terahertz C-995

• Provides chopping rates from 4 Hz to 5000 Hz without the need to change blades
• The unit may be computer controlled via its bi-directional serial port
• May be phase-locked to an external clock source
• Enclosed blade for minimum windage and noise
• Or exposed blade for maximum flexibility on a crowded optical bench
• Operates from 95 to 260 VAC, 50-60 Hz

Amplificator fotodiode transimpedanta Terahertz PDA-750

• 8 Decade Dynamic Range
• Less than 1 pA noise
• 1 part in 20,000 Resolution
• Analog output voltage proportional to current input
• Full scale input range of +/- 20 nA to +/- 20 mA
• Variable bias is digitally selectable from - 14V to + 14V
• Bi-directional Rs-232 serial port

Roata-filtru motorizat Fotometrie, Fotografie, Fluorescenta Microscopie Terahertz FW-2000

• 8 Position Filter Wheel
• Local And Remote Control
• Houses Filters 1 - 8mm Thick
• Full 360 Degree Rotation
• Windows Compatible Software
• Easily Interchangeable Wheels

Convertoare Optic->Electric Terahertz TIA

• 400nm to 1700nm wavelengths
• Bandwidth to 14 GHz
• Compact Size
• Universal power supplies

Tahometru Laser Fibra Optica Terahertz LT-880

• No Special Reflective Tape Required
• Operates in remote and/or hostile environments
• Gets into inaccessible spaces
• Right angle attachments available
• Custom Cable lengths up to 300 Meters
• Displays in units of RPM, RPS, or Pulses per Second
• TTL Compatible Output, Rep rate to 40 KHz

Link Video Fibra Optica Terahertz V-250

• Low Cost
• Easy to use and install
• Eliminates the effects of ground loops and EMI

Linkuri analog/ digital transport semnal fibra optica Terahertz LTX-55XX

• Analog and/or Digital Fiber Links
• Analog Signal Digitized to 12 Bit precision
• Transmit up to 10km
• Digital input 0-48 Mb/S
• Optical Transmission Rate of up to 2.0 Gb/s

Linkuri bidirectionale analog/ digital transport semnal fibra optica Terahertz LTX-72XX

• Analog and/or Digital Fiber Links
• Analog Signal Digitized to 12 Bit precision
• Transmit up to 10km
• Digital input 0-48 Mb/S
• Optical Transmission Rate of up to 2.0 Gb/s



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Categoria: TERAHERTZ OTDR reflectometre fibra optica tester analizoare multimetre aparate masura