VANGUARD testere raport transformare transformatoare rezistenta bobinare bobinaj infasurari curba excitatie     ROM     ENG  
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Testare transformatoare > VANGUARD


Trusa testare transformatoare de curent digitala portabila Vanguard EZCT-10

• measurement method ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90, IEC 60044-1 and ANSI/IEEE C57.13.1
• output test voltages 0..50 Vac @ 10A max; 0 – 200 Vac @ 10A max; 0 – 1200 Vac @ 1.5A max (5 min on, 10 min off)
• voltage reading range 0..1,250 Vac
• current ratio range 0.8..99: ±0.5%, 100..999: ±1.0%, 1,000..5,000: ±2%
• phase angle measurement 0..360 degrees
• Perform Saturation, Ratio and Polarity Tests
• Fully Automated
• Comprehensive Graphic and Tabulated Test Reports
• Plot Multiple Saturation Curves
• Computer Interface & pc software

Trusa testare transformatoare de curent, raport transformare, excitatie, saturatie, polaritate Vanguard EZCT-2000A

• Perform Saturation, Ratio and Polarity Tests
• Perform CT Winding Resistance Test
• Fully Automated
• Test record header information including company, substation name, circuit ID, manufacturer, CT serial number, operator name, and test record-comments
• Plot Multiple Saturation Curves
• Store 140 Records (of 10 Saturation Curves)
• Computer Interface
• USB Flash drive interface

Trusa testare transformatoare de curent, raport transformare, curba excitatie, grafic saturatie Vanguard EZCT-2000C Plus

• Performs CT excitation, current-ratio, polarity, and phase angle tests
• Measures insulation resistance and winding resistance of the CT seconday windings
• Measures the CT's secondary burden
• Test record header information including company, substation name, circuit ID, manufacturer, CT serial number, operator name, and test record-comments
• Built-in 4.5-inch wide thermal printer
• Plot Multiple Saturation Curves
• Stores up to 128 CT test plans and 140 test records internally
• USB, Bluetooth, and USB Flash drive interface

Tester masurare raport de transformare transformatoare Vanguard ATRT-01

• Displays turns-ratio from 0.8-15,000
• Calculates turns-ratio percentage error
• Displays winding polarity and phase angle
• Displays excitation current
• Battery or AC-powered (ATRT-01B S3 only)
• Standalone or computer-controlled

Tester automat raport de transformare transformatoare trifazate Vanguard ATRT-03

• Highest ratio: 0.8 - 15,000
• Built-in 4.5" thermal printer
• Excitation current measuring
• Phase angle measuring
• Computer interface
• Name-plate turns ratio calculation
• Computed % error based on measured and calculated ratio

Tester automat raport transformare transformatoare trifazice tripolare Vanguard ATRT-03 S2

• Highest ratio: 0.8 - 15,000
• Capable of detecting 130 different 3-phase transformer types defined by ANSI, IEC, and Australian standards
• 3 Test voltages available: 8Vac, 40Vac, 100Vac
• Phase angle and excitation current measuring
• Computer Interface (RS-232C and USB Port)
• USB flash drive interface
• Name-plate turns ratio calculation
• Computed % error based on measured and calculated ratio
• Optional 4.5" thermal printer

Tester automat raport transformare transformator trifazic tripolar Vanguard ATRT-03A

• Capable of detecting 130 different 3-phase transformer types defined by ANSI, IEC, and Australian standards plus phase shifting transformers
• Store up to 128 transformer test-plans in Flash EEPROM
• Store up to 112 test records in Flash EEPROM
• Built-in USB Flash Drive Interface
• Computer Interface (RS-232C and USB Port)
• 4.5 Inch thermal printer
• Built-in transformer load tap changer

Tester raport transformare transformatoare de tensiune capacitive Vanguard CVT-765

• Standalone or computer-controlled
• Can test CVT's rated up to 765 KV
• Displays turns-ratios from 75-15,000
• Calculates turns-ratio percentage error when nameplate voltages are provided

Tester automat masura transformare transformatoare trifazate Vanguard Tri-Phase

• Generates its own 3-phase transformer test voltage from single-phase AC or DC Power input
• Capable of detecting 130 different 3-phase transformer types defined by ANSI, IEC,
• 64 x 128 graphic LCD screen
• Store up to 128 transformer test-plans in Flash EEPROM
• Store up to 112 test records in Flash EEPROM
• Built-in USB Flash Drive Interface
• Computer Interface (RS-232C and USB Port)
• 4.5 Inch thermal printer
• Built-in transformer load tap changer

Analizor comutatoare ploturi in sarcina si rezistenta infasurari transformatoare Vanguard LTCA-10

• Auto discharge circuit for operator safety
• 3 resistance reading channels including one dynamic channel
• Digital resistance reading from 1 micro-ohm to 500 ohms
• Calculate equivalent resistance value at reference temperature
• Stores 50 static records and 20 dynamic records
• Built-in 4.5-inch thermal printer
• Weighs less than 44 lbs.

Analizor comutator ploturi in sarcina si rezistenta infasurare transformator trifazat Vanguard LTCA-40

• Auto discharge circuit for operator safety
• 3 resistance reading channels including one dynamic channel
• Digital resistance reading from 1 micro-ohm to 500 ohms
• 60Vdc power supply , outputting 40 amperes
• Calculate equivalent resistance value at reference temperature
• Stores 50 static records and 20 dynamic records
• Built-in 4.5-inch thermal printer

Punte masura rezistenta infasurare transformator Vanguard TRM-20

• accurately measure resistance values from 1 micro-ohm to 2,000 Ohms
• Auto-discharge circuit for operator safety
• Demagnetizes transformer after test
• Selectable test current from 1A to 20A
• RS-232C, USB, and Bluetooth computer interfaces
• Built-in thermal printer

Punte testare rezistente infasurari transformatoare Vanguard TRM-40

• accurately measure resistance values from 1 micro-ohm to 500 Ohms
• Auto-discharge circuit for operator safety
• Demagnetizes transformer after test
• Selectable test current from 1A to 40A
• RS-232C, USB, and Bluetooth computer interfaces
• Built-in thermal printer

Tester rezistenta infasurare transformator trifazat Vanguard TRM-203

• accurately measure resistance from 1 micro-ohm to 2000 Ohms
• Perform three phase test on a transformer without the need to switch cables
• Can provide individual Delta winding resistance values
• Can provide individual Wye (with no neutral) winding resistance values
• Demagnetize transformer after test
• Selectable test current from 1A to 20A
• Computer control via RS-232C, USB, or Bluetooth interface
• Built-in 2.5" wide thermal printer

Tester rezistente infasuratori transformatoare trifazate Vanguard TRM-403

• accurately measure resistance from 1 micro-ohm to 500 Ohms
• Perform three phase test on a transformer without the need to switch cables
• Can provide individual Delta winding resistance values
• Can provide individual Wye (with no neutral) winding resistance values
• Demagnetize transformer after test
• Selectable test current from 1A to 40A
• Computer control via RS-232C, USB, or Bluetooth interface
• Built-in 2.5" wide thermal printer

Ohmmetru rezistenta infasurari si bobinaj transformatoare inductive de mare putere Vanguard WRM-10P

• Range from 1 micro-ohm to 2,000 ohm
• Up to 10 Amperes of test current
• Auto discharge circuit for operator safety
• Built-in 2.5" Thermal Printer, computer interface
• Stores 48 records of 63 readings
• Weighs less than 27 lbs.



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Categoria: VANGUARD testere raport transformare transformatoare rezistenta bobinare bobinaj infasurari curba excitatie