FLUKE Megohmetre megometru megohmmetru tester rezistenta izolatie

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Testere instalatii electrice > FLUKE


Tester Instalatii Electrice 250V-1000V Fluke 1652C

• Test voltage: 250V, 500V, 1000V
• Two measurements at once and a dual display
• PEFC/PSC and loop impedance
• Fast voltage measurement between L-N, L-PE and N-PE
• PASS/FAIL indication for RCD test results

Tester Instalatii Electrice 50V-1000V Fluke 1653B

• Test voltage: 50V, 250V, 500V, 1000V
• Two measurements at once and a dual display
• PEFC/PSC and loop impedance
• Fast voltage measurement between L-N, L-PE and N-PE
• PASS/FAIL indication for RCD test results
• Earth resistance

Tester Instalatii Electrice 50V-1000V Fluke 1654B

• Test voltage: 50V, 100V, 250V, 500V, 1000V
• Two measurements at once and a dual display
• PEFC/PSC and loop impedance
• Fast voltage measurement between L-N, L-PE and N-PE
• PASS/FAIL indication for RCD test results
• Earth resistance

Megohmetru digital multimetru izolatie 500/ 1000V Fluke 1577

• Insulation test: 0.1 MΩ to 600 MΩ
• Insulation test voltages: 500 V, 1000 V

Megohmetru digital multimetru izolatie 50/ 1000V Fluke 1587

• Insulation test: 0.01 MΩ to 2 GΩ
• Insulation test voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V

Megohmetru digital multimetru izolatie 500/ 1000V Fluke 1503

• Insulation test range: 0.1 MΩ to 2000 MΩ
• Insulation test voltages: 500 V, 1000 V

Megohmetru digital multimetru izolatie 50/ 1000V Fluke 1507

• Insulation test range: 0.01 MΩ to 10 GΩ
• Insulation test voltages: 50 V, 100 V, 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V

Megohmetru digital rezistenta izolatie 250V/ 5kV Fluke 1550C

• Resistance Test range: 1 TΩ
• Test voltage: 5 kV

Megohmetru digital rezistenta izolatie 250V/ 10kV Fluke 1555

• Resistance Test range: 2 TΩ
• Test voltage: 10 kV

Locator de traseu cabluri acoperite, ingropate, prin pereti Fluke 2042

• pentru detectarea cablurilor în pereţi şi sub pământ
• pentru localizarea siguranţelor/întrerupătoarelor de pe circuitele finale
• pentru localizarea întreruperilor şi a scurtcircuitelor din cabluri şi din instalaţiile de încălzire prin pardoseală
• detectarea ţevilor metalice pentru apă sau încălzire

Detector de tensiune Fluke 1AC II VoltAlert

• CAT IV 1000 V for added protection
• 200 V to 1000 V AC

Detector de tensiune Fluke 2AC VoltAlert

• Voltage detection from 200 to 1000 V AC
• Category IV – 1000 V overvoltage rated product

Detector prezenta tensiune Fluke LVD1 Volt Light

• Detects voltages from 40 V AC to 300 V AC
• Non-contact AC voltage detector and LED flashlight
• exclusive dual-sensitivity

Detector prezenta tensiune Fluke LVD2 Volt Light

• Dual Sensitivity
• LED light with 100,000 hour life
• Detects from 90 to 600 V AC
• Rated to CAT IV 600 V

Tester electric 600V tensiune curent continuitate Fluke T5-600

• 600V model
• Automatically measures V AC, V DC with precise digital resolution
• 100 A AC Current
• Displays resistance to 1000Ω

Tester electric 1000V tensiune curent continuitate Fluke T5-1000

• 1000V model
• Automatically measures V AC, V DC with precise digital resolution
• 100 A AC Current
• Displays resistance to 1000Ω

Tester tensiune si continuitate Fluke T90/ T110/ T130/ T150

• Voltage AC/DC 12V - 690V
• Continuity 0 - 400 kΩ
• Frequency 0 / 40 - 400 Hz
• Phase rotation
• Resistance measurement

Tester tensiune si continuitate Fluke T50

• Voltage test
• Optical and acoustical continuity test
• Display: 10 LED's

Tester tensiune si continuitate Fluke T100

• Display: 12 LED's
• Voltage test
• Optical and acoustical continuity test

Tester tensiune si continuitate Fluke T120

• LED Bargraph
• Display: Fluke T120: 3½ digit LCD
• Voltage test
• Optical and acoustical continuity test

Tester tensiune si continuitate Fluke T140

• Resistance measurement
• Backlight
• LED Bargraph
• Display: 3½ digit LCD
• Voltage test
• Optical and acoustical continuity test

Indicator succesiune faze Fluke 9040

• 3 phase indication
• Indication of phase rotation
• Clear LCD display
• No battery required

Indicator succesiune faze motor Fluke 9062

• 3 phase indication
• Indication of phase rotation
• Indication of motor rotation direction
• Contact free determination of the rotation direction of running motors



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Categoria: FLUKE Megohmetre megometru megohmmetru tester rezistenta izolatie masurarea rezistentei de izolatie tester digital electric set testere electrice instalari joasa inalta tensiune 1000V 5000V 1kV 5kV 10kV rezistenta de izolatie kilovoltmetru