FLIR camere termoviziune infrarosu inspectie cladiri termografe monitorizare securitate scurgeri gaze     ROM     ENG  
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Camere termoviziune > FLIR


Camera de termoviziune Flir E4

• FLIR E4 80 x 60 pixels
• Display: 3” color LCD
• On-board 640 x 480 Digital Camera
• Easy-to-use, weighs only 1.2lbs
• 2% accuracy
• File format: Radiometric jpg

Camera cu infrarosu Flir E5

• FLIR E5 120 x 90 pixels
• Display: 3” color LCD
• On-board 640 x 480 Digital Camera
• Easy-to-use, weighs only 1.2lbs
• 2% accuracy
• File format: Radiometric jpg

Camera termica cu infrarosu Flir E6

• FLIR E6 160 x 120 pixels
• Display: 3” color LCD
• On-board 640 x 480 Digital Camera
• Easy-to-use, weighs only 1.2lbs
• 2% accuracy
• File format: Radiometric jpg

Camera cu infrarosu Flir E8

• FLIR E8 320 x 240 pixels
• Display: 3” color LCD
• On-board 640 x 480 Digital Camera
• Easy-to-use, weighs only 1.2lbs
• 2% accuracy
• File format: Radiometric jpg

Camera de termoviziune 60 x 60 pixeli Flir i3

• Thermal image quality: 60x60 pixels
• Field of View: 12.5°(H) x 12.5°(V)
• Thermal sensitivity: 0.15°C
• Outstanding ease-of-use
• Fully automatic
• SD card storage

Camera de termoviziune 80 x 80 pixeli Flir i5

• Thermal image quality: 80x80 pixels
• Field of View: 17°(H) x 17°(V)
• Thermal sensitivity: 0.10°C
• Outstanding ease-of-use
• Fully automatic
• SD card storage

Camera de termoviziune 120 x 120 pixeli Flir i7

• Thermal image quality: 120x120 pixels
• Field of View: 25°(H) x 25°(V)
• Thermal sensitivity: 0.10°C
• Outstanding ease-of-use
• Fully automatic
• SD card storage

Camera de termoviziune Seria Flir E E30 E40 E50 E60

• Large and bright LCD
• Laserpointer and LED light
• Wifi
• Thermal Fusion
• Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
• Instant reports
• Text and voice annotations
• Visual camera

Camera de termoviziune inspectii cladiri Seria Flir Ebx E30bx E40bx E50bx E60bx

• Large and bright LCD
• Laserpointer and LED light
• Thermal Fusion
• Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
• Instant reports
• Dew point/Insulation Alarm
• Text and voice annotations
• Visual camera

Camera cu termoviziune Flir Seria T

• Up to 320 x 240 pixel resolution
• High quality visual camera
• MPEG-4 video
• Temperature sound, image alarms (T365/T425)
• Picture-in-Picture
• Touch screen
• Wifi

Camera termoviziune inspectie cladiri Flir Seria B

• Up to 320 x 240 pixel resolution
• High quality visual camera
• Panorama support (FLIR B250/B425)
• MPEG-4 video
• Radiometric IR video streaming
• Thermal Fusion (B365/ B425)
• Touch screen
• WiFi

Camera de termoviziune 640 x 480 pixeli Flir T640 T620

• 640x480 pixel resolution
• Large bright 4.3 inch LCD screen
• High quality visual camera
• MPEG-4 video
• FLIR Thermal Fusion
• Touch screen
• Wifi

Camera de termoviziune inspectie cladiri 640 x 480 pixeli Flir T640bx T620bx

• 640x480 pixel resolution
• Large bright 4.3 inch LCD screen
• High quality visual camera
• MPEG-4 video
• FLIR Thermal Fusion
• Touch screen
• Wifi

Camera de termoviziune 640 x 480 pixeli Flir P620 P640 P660

• 640x480 pixel resolution
• High quality visual camera
• Contrast Optimizer (P660)
• Panorama support
• Built-in GPS (P660)
• MPEG-4 video (P640/660)
• Radiometric JPEG
• Wifi

Camera de termoviziune inspectie cladiri 640 x 480 pixeli Flir B620 B660

• 640x480 pixel resolution
• High quality visual camera
• Contrast Optimizer (B660)
• Panorama support
• Built-in GPS (B660)
• MPEG-4 video
• Wifi

Camera termoviziune detectie scurgeri de gaze Flir GF-306

• Real time visualization of gas leaks
• Finds SF6 leaks quickly & safely
• Considerably reduced inspection time
• Trace leaks to their source
• Perform safer inspections
• Internal data/video storage
• Digital camera & GPS

Camera termoviziune inspectii scurgeri de gaze rafinarii Flir GF-309

• Measures temperatures from -40 °C to +1500 °C with high accuracy
• Dual-use camera: Furnace and ambient temperatures
• Excellent Thermal Sensitivity (<25 mK)
• High performance LCD & Tiltable high resolution viewfinder delivers a bright and vivid image in poor lighting environment or under sunlight
• User-inspired Ergonomics: Rotating Handle, Direct Access Buttons

Camera termoviziune detectie scurgeri gaze metan Flir GF-320

• Real-time visualization of even very small gas leaks thanks to the Excellent High Sensitivity Mode (<25mK)
• Measures temperatures from -40 °C to +350 °C with ±1 °C accuracy
• Built-in Video Recording, Digital Camera, Laser pointer
• Embedded GPS Data helps to identify the precise locations of non-compliance

Camera termoviziune detectie emisii gaze monoxid de carbon CO Flir GF-346

• Real-time visualization of gas leaks
• Can be used for a wide variety of thermal inspections
• Measures temperatures in a non-contact mode with an accuracy of +/-1%
• Temperature range: from -20˚C to +300˚C
• Internal data/video storage

Camera termoviziune inalta rezolutie Cercetare & Dezvoltare Flir SC-305 SC-325 SC-645 SC-655

• up to 640x480 pixel resolution
• High speed infrared windowing
• Conditional start/stop
• High sensitivity < 50 mK
• Compact & lightweight design
• Built-in Gigabit Ethernet connection

Camera termoviziune inalta rezolutie Cercetare & Dezvoltare Flir SC-320 SC-640 SC-660

• 640x480 pixel resolution
• High quality visual camera
• Contrast Optimizer (FLIR SC660)
• Built-in GPS (SC660)
• Picture-in-picture
• Wifi

Camera termoviziune inspectii camp apropiat spectru unde 0.9..1.7 µm Flir SC2500

• InGaAs (Indium Gallium Arsenide) detector
• High sensitivity
• Ultra high frame rate with windowing
• Spectral tuning capabilities
• Easy integration in other instruments

Camera termoviziune inalta senzitivitate si precizie aplicatii industriale si educationale Flir SC5000

• thermal images of 640 x 512 pixels
• High Sensitivity: up to 20 mK
• Ultra high frame rate with windowing
• Multiple video outputs
• Motorised focus
• Compact & lightweight

Camera termoviziune multispectru Flir Orion SC7000

• SW-MWIR or LWIR infrared multispectral imagers
• capable of producing IR sub-band images
• Configurable filter wheel setup to match different type of analysis
• Versatile system with traditional thermal imaging camera mode

Camera termoviziune inalta performanta Flir SC8000

• Thermal images of up to 1280 x 1024 pixels
• High sensitivity
• Ultra high frame rate with windowing
• Visual camera with LEDs
• Wifi
• Wide range of interchangeable lenses
• Removable Touchscreen LCD

Camera termoviziune infrarosu automatizari industriale Flir A300/ A310

• High sensitivity < 50 mK
• 16 bit image
• Remote control
• MPEG-4 streamed video
• PoE (Power over Ethernet)
• Built-in extensive analysis functions (only FLIR A310)

Camera termoviziune infrarosu automatizari industriale Flir A315/ A615

• High sensitivity < 50 mK
• 640x480 pixels (only FLIR A615)
• GigE Vision™ standard compatibility
• Built-in Gigabit Ethernet connection
• Image flow control

Camera de securitate supraveghevere exterioara zi/ noapte cu senzor infrarosu Flir Seria D

• 640 x 480 or 320 × 240 pixel thermal imager
• day/night 36× zoom color CCD camera
• providing clear 24/7 imaging capability
• attractive, discrete dome-style enclosure

Camera infrarosu de supraveghevere securitate Flir Seria RS

• uncooled Vanadium Oxide (VOx) microbolometer producing crisp images of up to 640 x 480 pixels
• Equipped with a 100 mm lens
• can be easily connected to common power and video interfaces found in existing and new security systems
• can be easily integrated into any existing CCTV infrastructure
• early detection and visibility 24/7 all the year round

Camera termala infrarosu supraveghevere securitate Flir Seria F

• available in 160 × 120, 320 × 240, and high-resolution 640 × 480 formats
• uncooled Vanadium Oxide (VOx) microbolometer
• high contrast imagery optimized to get the most out of video analytics software
• clear, properly contrasted thermal images in all weather conditions
• extremely rugged

Camera termala securitate retea cu senzor multiplu Flir Seria PT

• see intruders and other threats to your facility’s security clearly in total darkness and in bad weather
• fully programmable scan patterns, radar slew-to-cue, and slew-to-alarm functionality
• available in 160 × 120, 320 × 240, and high-resolution 640 × 480 formats
• include a day/night 36× zoom color CCD camera on the same pan/tilt package

Camera termoviziune infrarosu securitate cu senzor multiplu si zoom continuu Flir Seria PTZ-35x140 MS

• two thermal imaging cameras and one daylight / low light camera
• wide angle field-of-view and is ideal for situational awareness
• narrow field-of-view is designed for mid-range target recognition
• detect objects, the size of a human being, more than 2 km away, in total darkness, through smoke, light fog and in the most adverse weather conditions

Camera termoviziune infrarosu monitorizare securitate Flir Seria HRC

• Cooled detector
• Crisp, high resolution thermal images: 640 x 480 pixels
• Continuous optical and digital zoom on the thermal image
• Advanced image processing
• Easy and fast to install
• Designed for use in harsh environments

Camera de supraveghere securitate raza lunga Flir ThermoVision 2000/3000 MS

• 320 x 240 pixels or 640 x 480 pixels detectors
• daylight camera, a GPS unit, digital magnetic compass and optionally, a laser range finder
• cooled Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP)
• Advanced Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE)

Camera termoviziune pentru aplicarea legii, politie, securitate Flir BHS-X BHS-XR

• Portable thermal imaging cameras for security and law enforcement applications
• shock-resistant
• bi-oculars
• see suspects in total darkness, through smoke, and light foliage
• 320 × 240 native resolution in the viewfinder and a 2× digital e-zoom step to 160 × 120 resolution

Camera termala pentru conducatori transport auto Flir PathfindIR

• compact thermal imaging camera that significantly reduces the hazards of night time driving
• enable drivers to detect and monitor potential hazards on or near the road
• uncooled 320 x 240 pixels microbolometer
• operates between -40°C and +80°C
• extremely compact (5.8 x 5.7 x 7.2 cm) and weighs only 360 grams
• extremely rugged

Camera termala aplicatii maritime si navigatie Flir MS

• Extremely affordable
• Crisp thermal images
• Extremely portable and rugged
• Easy-to-operate
• Long battery life
• Good range performance

Camera termala pentru marina si navigatie Flir HM

• Portable thermal imaging cameras for security and law enforcement applications
• handheld shock-resistant
• extremely affordable
• IP67 rated
• operating time of over 5 hours

Camera termala infrarosu pentru marina si navigatie Flir BHM

• shock-resistant thermal imaging cameras
• crisp image in the darkest of nights
• Yachts, commercial ships, tug and tow boats, work boats, police and law enforcement boats
• bi-oculars
• Ergonomic and easy-to-use

Camera termala infrarosu pentru navigatie cu instalare pe vapor Flir Seria M

• Multi-Sensor systems combining a thermal imaging and a low light camera
• clear thermal imagery in total darkness and light fog or smoke
• perfect tool for night time navigation, shipboard security, man overboard situations, anti-piracy
• Ethernet connectivity for easy installation
• continuous 360° pan and +/-90° tilt field of regard for horizon-to-horizon visibility
• rugged, waterproof gimbal enclosure

Camera termala infrarosu pentru navigatie si marina Flir Navigator II

• economic, fixed mounted thermal imager
• provides crisp, clear thermal imagery in total darkness, light fog, and smoke
• extremely rugged system
• well protected, IP66 rated, against humidity and water
• Extremely lightweight

Camera termala infrarosu vedere timp de noapte navigatie si marina Flir Voyager II/ Voyager III

• wide-angle thermal camera
• detect other boats or hazards easily
• The only commercial maritime thermal night vision camera with continuous thermal zoom
• best image quality in the industry, and the longest thermal lens on the market
• proven anti-piracy system of choice for yachts, police boats, and cargo vessels around the world

Camera termala infrarosu cu vedere pe timp de noapte Flir Scout PS-24/ Scout PS-32

• discover nocturnal animals, find wandering members of your party, locate lost livestock or spot downed game
• see through light fog, smoke or trail dust
• locate animals standing in tall grass or hiding partly behind bushes or trees
• uncooled, maintenance free, microbolometer detector
• equipped with advanced internal camera software

Camera termala infrarosu cu vedere pe timp de noapte Flir Seria Scout TS

• Thermal imaging cameras for wildlife observations
• rugged handheld thermal imaging cameras
• especially developed for wildlife observations and hunters
• unique InstAlert feature colors the hottest parts in the thermal image red
• images and video can be used to insert in your own video or photo collection

Camera termala infrarosu cu vedere pe timp de noapte Flir Seria Scout BTS

• Bi-Ocular Thermal Night Vision Camera
• full coverage eyepiece
• inter-ocular adjustment
• ergonomic comfort
• straightforward controls
• interchangeable quick disconnect lenses
• unrivaled performance

Camera termala infrarosu pentru pompieri si stingeri incendii Flir Seria HF

• Portable thermal imaging cameras for firefighting support use
• see through smoke
• extremely affordable
• produce thermal images of 320 x 240 pixels on which the smallest of details
• extremely compact and extremely light systems



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Categoria: FLIR camere termoviziune infrarosu inspectie cladiri termografe monitorizare securitate scurgeri gaze