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Testere sunet & vibratii > DELTA OHM


Sonometru integrator portabil de Clasa I cu analiza spectru octava si statistici Delta Ohm HD2010

• precision integrating portable sound level meter
• data logging functions
• performing both spectrum and statistical analysis
• maximum flexibility and simplicity
• firmware can be directly updated by the user by means of the Noise Studio program supplied with the instrument
• Class 1 sound level meter according to IEC 61672-1, 2002
• Class 1 octave and third octave filters according to IEC 61260
• Microphone complying with IEC 61094-4
• Noise monitoring and optional capture and analysis of sound events
• Octave and optional third octave band spectrum analysis from 16 Hz to 20 kHz

Sonometru integrator Clasa I si Clasa II cu analiza spectrala si statistica Delta Ohm HD2010UC

• integrating portable sound level meter performing statistical analysis
• maximum low cost and simplicity of use
• possibility of adjusting the instrument and adding options at any time
• user can upgrade the firmware directly by means of the Noise Studio programme supplied with the instrument
• Class 1 or 2 sound level meter according to IEC 61672-1 dated 2002, IEC 60651 and IEC 60804
• Assessment of the environmental noise level,
• Optional "data logging" function,
• Optional capture and analysis of sound events,
• Statistical analysis with the calculation of 3 percentile level and optional full statistical analysis

Sonometru integrator Clasa I / Clasa II cu datalogging, analiza spectrala si statistica Delta Ohm HD2010UC/A

• portable integrating class 1 sound level meter, with data logging function, suitable for performing statistical and spectral analyses
• possibility of adjusting the instrument and adding options at any time
• user can upgrade the firmware directly by means of the Noise Studio programme supplied with the instrument
• Class 1 or 2 sound level meter according to IEC 61672-1 IEC 60651 and IEC 60804
• Class 1 octave and third octave filters according to IEC 61260
• Assessment of the environmental noise level,
• Noise monitoring and optional capture and analysis of sound events,
• Octave and optional third octave band spectrum analysis from 25 Hz to 12.5 kHz,

Analizor audio sunet Clasa I cu datalogger, analiza spectru acustic octava 3a, statistici Delta Ohm HD2110L

• precision integrating portable sound level meter
• data logging function
• performing both spectrum and statistical analysis
• high-performance analysis of acoustic phenomena
• Class 1 sound level meter according to IEC 61672-1, 2002 , IEC 60651 and IEC 60804
• Class 1 octave and third octave filters according to IEC 61260
• Real-time octave and third octave band spectrum analysis from 16 Hz to 20 kHz
• Narrow-band spectral analysis (FFT) with variable resolution from 1.5Hz to 100Hz and capture of the Leq profile at intervals of 1/32s

Calibrator acustic nivel sunet pentru calibrare microfon si statii acustice Delta Ohm HD2020

• HD 2020 sound level calibrator
• portable, battery operated sound source
• suitable for sound level meters (portable and laboratory) and acoustic stations
• class 1 according to IEC60942:2003 with LCD display.
• ISO 9001 calibration report included.
• 1000Hz frequency allows calibrating sound level meters with any weighting

Sursa sunet cu generare semnal audio pentru calibrari nivel acustic Clasa I/II Delta Ohm HD9101 HD9102

• generator noise level 9101/HD HD 9102
• portable, battery-powered sound source,
• suitable for calibration of sound level meters (portable and laboratory) and acoustic measuring stations
• possible to calibrate directly microphones 1 / 2 "of mechanical dimensions conform to the requirements of IEC 61094-1
• the frequency of the sound signal at 1000Hz can perform calibration of sound level meters with any frequency weighting
• sound pressure level generated is independent of atmospheric pressure
• Ease of use allows the use even by unskilled personnel.

Analizor vibratii 3-canale protectie vibratii mecanice la locul de munca Delta Ohm HD2070

• portable vibration analyzer performing spectral and statistical analysis on three channels simultaneously
• measures all parameters required by current regulations concerning workers protection from vibration related risks
• measure vibrations transmitted to both hand-arm and whole body
• simplicity of use with maximum flexibility
• possibility of updating the instrument according to the evolution of the regulations relating to vibration measurement
• Octave and third octave filters, available as option (HD2070.O1), satisfy class 1 specifications of IEC 61260 standard

Analizor vibratii 4-canale protectie vibratii mecanice loc de munca Delta Ohm HD2030

• portable vibration analyzer performing spectral and statistical analysis on four channels simultaneously
• measures all parameters required by current regulations concerning workers protection from vibration related risks
• measure vibrations transmitted to both hand-arm and whole body
• satisfies the specifications of standards ISO 8041:2005, ISO 5349-1:2001 (handarm vibrations)
• ISO 2631-1, 2 and 4 1997 (whole-body vibrations)
• detects accelerations on four axes through two accelerometers with integrated amplifying electronics

Accelerometru mono-axial si Accelerometru triaxial ICP vibratii mecanice Delta Ohm

• HD356A02: tri-axial accelerometer for the measurement of vibrations transmitted to the handarm system
• HD356B21: miniature tri-axial accelerometer for the measurement of vibrations transmitted to the hand-arm system
• HD356B41: tri-axial accelerometer inserted in a rubber pad for the measurement of the vibrations trasnmitted to the whole body
• HD356A22: tri-axial accelerometer for general application
• HD352C34: mono-axial accelerometer for general application
• HD356B20: miniature tri-axial accelerometer for the measurement of vibrations transmitted to the hand-arm system at high shock level



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Categoria: DELTA OHM sonometre analizoare audio acustica zgomot ambiental