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Analizoare întrerupătoare > COTEL


Trusa cronometru testare intrerupatoare Cotel CP 1-N

• 2 Inputs voltage or dry contacts configurable(11 to 250 Vdc/ 35 to 250 Vac)
• inputs are isolated from one another and relative to the earth . Insulation 750Vac/1000Vdc
• Connection on 4 mm safety sockets..
• Time measurements from 1ms to 774.999s
• Accuracy : +-1 ms +-0.02% of the value
• Protected with varistor and fuse

Analizor intrerupatoare tripolare inalta tensiune Cotel CP 4 TR

• 4 time inputs
• Integrated breaker control
• Resolution 0.1 ms
• CP 4 is a user friendly chronometer to measure the
• - Synchronisation of breaker
• - Opening time of main contact
• - Closing time of main contact



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