DELTAOHM testers temperature humidity datalogger air meteo microclimate     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM


Handheld Digital Thermometer Pt100 Sensor -200°C +650°C Delta Ohm HD2307.0

• Thermometer, Pt100 sensor with one input for probes equipped with SICRAM module,
• measuring range -200°C +650°C
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto-power-off which can be disabled
• IP 67 protection degree

Centesimal Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2107.1 HD2107.2 HD2127.1 HD2127.2

• Centesimal thermometer in the range +/-199.99°C, decimal outside this range
• one input for Pt100 probes with SICRAM module measuring range -200°C +650°C
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value
• RS232 C output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power

Dual Input Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2178.1 HD2178.2

• Thermometer with two inputs, the first for Pt100 probes equipped with SICRAM module, the second input for thermocouple type K, J, T, E, N
• large display
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value
• RS232 C output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled
• IP 67 protection degree

Handheld Digital Thermocouple Thermometer K J T E Delta Ohm HD2328.0

• Thermocouple thermometer for probes type K, J, T, E
• Two inputs for miniature thermocouple connectors
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average valu
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree

Handheld Digital Thermocouple Thermometer K, J, T, R, N, S, B, E Delta Ohm HD2108.1 HD2108.2 HD2128.1 HD2128.2

• Thermocouple thermometer with one input and logger 32.000 samples
• For K, J, T, R, N, S, B, E type probes with miniature connector
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value,
• USB/RS232 C connection to download loggerdata to PC.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree

8-16 Channel Temperature Datalogger Delta Ohm HD32.7 HD32.8.8 HD32.8.16

• HD32.8.8/ HD32.8.16 Rugged data logger with 8/16 inputs for K, J, T, N, R, S, B and E type thermocouple with miniature connector temperature probes
• Unit of measurement °C, °F, °K configurable.
• Data logging: instantaneous or postponed, with the possibility of selecting the storage start and end.
• Data download: RS232C, 1200...38400 baud or USB 1.1 - 2.0.
• DeltaLog9 software for data download and processing.

Thermo Hygrometer Delta Ohm HD2301.0

• Thermo hygrometer, instrument measuring range for temperature -200°C +650°C with probe TP47...
• humidity 0.0...100.0%RH
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled
• IP 67 protection degree

Thermo Hygrometer Delta Ohm HD2101.1 HD2101.2

• Thermo hygrometer, instrument measuring range for temperature -200°C +650°C with probe TP47...
• humidity 0.0...100.0%RH
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value
• RS232 C output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled
• IP 67 protection degree

Mini-Datalogger for Temperature and Relative Humidity Delta Ohm HD206 HD226 HD207 HD227

• TEMPERATURE and RELATIVE HUMIDITY mini data logger with/no display
• Selectable storage interval 1-5-10-15-30 sec/min, 1 hour.
• Storage of 120,000 reading per channel,
• 8mm 3 ½ digit LCD display.
• IP54 protection degree.

Manometer Thermometer digital handheld Delta Ohm HD2304.0

• Manometer-Thermometer with one input for SICRAM module PP471 to connect probes TP704 and TP705 series
• Temperature measurement with Pt100 probe complete with SICRAM module, measuring range 200°C +650°C.
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Manometer-Thermometer digital handheld Delta Ohm HD2124.1 HD2124.2

• Manometer-Thermometer with two inputs for SICRAM module PP471 to connect probes TP704 and TP705 series.
• Temperature measurement with Pt100 probe complete with SICRAM module measuring range 200°C +650°C.
• Datalogger which stores the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 32,000 couples of samples.
• RS232 C/ USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD, PEAK and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Manometers-Thermometers Delta Ohm HD2114 HD2134 HD2164

• portable instruments with a large LCD display
• They measure absolute, relative and differential pressure, as well as temperature
• Max, Min and Avg function calculates the maximum, minimum or average values
• relative measurement REL, the HOLD function, and the automatic turning off
• store up to 36,000 samples
• standard RS232C serial port and USB 2.0

Micro Manometer-Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2114P HD2134P

• Micromanometer-Thermometer for air speed and flow rate measurement by means of Pitot tubes
• full scale 20mbar for speed measurements from 2...55m/s.
• Temperature measurement by K type thermocouple.
• Datalogger which stores the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 36,000 couples of samples.
• RS232C/ USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer

Datalogger for Pressure, Temperature, Flow Rate Delta Ohm DO9704

• Datalogger for pressure, flow rate and temperature measurements with 2 inputs,
• memory 512 Kbytes,
• storage of maximum, minimum and average value.
• RS232 C output

Anemometer-Thermometer air speed measurement Delta Ohm HD2303.0

• Anemometer-Thermometer for air speed measurement which use hot-wire or vane probes, for temperature Pt100 sensor with SICRAM module.
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree

Anemometer-Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2103.1 HD2103.2

• Anemometer-Thermometer for air speed measurement which use hot-wire or vane probes, for temperature Pt100 sensor with SICRAM module.
• Datalogger which stores the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 38,000 samples.
• RS232C/USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP67 protection degree.

Two-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer for Windspeed & Winddirection measurement Delta Ohm HD52.3

• 2 axes ultrasonic Anemometers series HD 52.3D
• Wind speed and direction, U-V Cartesian components of wind speed,
• Relative Humidity and Temperature (option, code “17”),
• Diffuse Solar Radiation (option, code “P”),
• Barometric pressure (option, code “4”).

Three-Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer for Wind Speed & Direction measurement Delta Ohm HD2003 HD2003.1

• Determination of the anemometric quantities represented in diverse measurement units:
• wind speed and direction,
• U-V-W Cartesian components of speed,
• sound speed,
• sonic temperature
• 5 analogue voltage or current outputs, with different measuring ranges.
• RS232 and Multidrop RS485 Serial Communication interfaces.

HVACR Datalogger for Air speed, flow, Pressure, Temperature Delta Ohm DO2003

• HVACR Datalogger to measure: air speed and flow rate with the hot wire probes, vane probes, Pitot tube probes,
• Pt100 temperature probes for immersion, pointed and for surface,
• combined temperature/relative humidity probes.
• Pressure up to 2000 mbar and barometric pressure.
• Max-Min-Med, Rel measurements.
• Storage up to 12,000 readings.
• Serial output RS232C

Logging instrument for CO, CO2, atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity Delta Ohm HD21AB HD21AB17

• Carbon Dioxide CO2
• Carbon Monoxide CO
• Atmospheric Pressure
• Temperature
• Relative Humidity
• Dew Point, Wet Bulb Temperature, Absolute Humidity, Mixing Ratio, Enthalpy

Indoor Quality Analysis IAQ Monitoring Datalogger CO CO2 Delta Ohm HD37AB1347

• Datalogger for indoor air quality analysis (IAQ)
• measures: airspeed, temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and CO (Carbon Monoxide)
• Memory capacity of 67,600 records for each of the two inputs.
• Logging interval from 15 seconds to 1 hour.

Air Quality Analysis Monitoring Datalogger CO CO2 Delta Ohm HD37AB17D HD37B17D

• data loggers able to measure and memorize simultaneously the following parameters:
• Relative Humidity RH
• Environment temperature T
• Carbon monoxide CO (only HD37AB17D)
• Carbon dioxide CO2
• DeltaLog13 communication software via the USB port

3-Channel Multifunction Air Parameters Monitoring Datalogger Delta Ohm DO9847

• Multifunctional handheld board instrument and datalogger
• RH, temperature, pressure, airspeed, light, voltage, current
• 128x64 pixel (56x38 mm) graphic display and three independent inputs
• Functions: watch, hold, max., min., average, record, immediate or deferred start record logging, difference between the two inputs, relative measures
• Storage capacity: 32.000 readings per input.
• RS232C serial output: from 300 up to 115.200 baud rate.

Multifunction Datalooger with Microclimate analysis Delta Ohm HD32.1

• Globe temperature
• Natural wet bulb temperature
• Ambient temperature
• Atmospheric pressure
• Relative Humidity
• Air velocity
• Air temperature at the height of the head...

Datalooger with Microclimate analysis WBGT Delta Ohm HD32.2 HD32.2A

• analysis of WBGT index (Wet Bulb Glob Temperature: wet bulb temperature and globe thermometer temperature) in presence or in absence of solar radiation
• Logging
• data transfer speed via the RS232 serial port
• The measurement unit of the temperature: °C, °F, °K
• Date and time of the instrument
• display of maximum, minimum, medium statistic parameters and their deletion

Datalooger with Microclimate analysis WBGT PMV PPD Delta Ohm HD32.3 HD32.3A

• Analysis of hot environments using WBGT index
• Analysis of the moderate warm environments using PMV index and PPD index
• Logging
• Start and stop can be set automatically with the auto-start function
• Selectable measurement unit of the temperature: °C, °F, °K.
• Date and time of the instrument.

Pluviometer Rain Gauge for atmosferic precipitation Delta Ohm HD2013

• Rain gauge with tipping bucket,
• area 400cm2,
• for temperature range +4°C... +60°C.
• Standard resolution 0.2.
• On request at the time of placing the order resolution 0.1 or 0.5mm.
• Output contact normally closed.

Rain Detector and Athmospherical Precipitation Delta Ohm HD2013.2

• rain detector based on the capacity principle
• The instrument is equipped with three different outputs: a “Rain ON/OFF” output
• detects whether it is raining/ snowing (ON) or not (OFF), also used to control a relay coil or similar devices
• can be used either as a separate device, or connected to a data logger system

Meteo Datalogger with Data acquisition and recording Delta Ohm HD32MT.1

• 16-channel data logger capable of capturing and logging the values measured by a series of sensors connected to its inputs
• Sensors with analog voltage output, both unipolar and bipolar
• Sensors with analog current output(0..20mA, 4..20mA)
• Temperature sensors thermocouple(typpe K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E)
• Pt100/Pt1000 and NTC temperature sensors
• Sensors with digital output TTL level pulse (ON/OFF)
• Sensors with open/close contact output(e.g. rain gauges, cup anemometers

Luxmeter Radiometer measuring illuminance, PAR, irradiance Delta Ohm HD2302.0 HD2302.0VP474

• Device for measuring illuminance, luminance, PAR, irradiance
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree

Luxmeter Photo- Radiometer measuring Solar illuminance, PAR, irradiance Delta Ohm HD2102.1 HD2102.2

• Device for measuring illuminance, luminance, PAR, irradiance.
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value and the integral Q(t),
• RS232 C output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree

Datalogger Photo-Radiometer for solar light, Temperature Delta Ohm DO9721

• Datalogger Photo-radiometer Thermometer which performs photometric, radiometric, PAR, temperature measurements.
• Two inputs.
• Function as datalogger: 30,000 samples, REL, Record, Q (integration),
• RS232C serial output

Photometric Probe for Outdoor measuring of Solar Illuminance Delta Ohm LP PHOT02

• Outdoor photometric probe for measuring ILLUMINANCE (0...150 Klux),
• CIE photopic filter,
• diffuser for cosine correction.
• mVdc output for klux.
• Complete with Calibration Report.
• On request 5 or 10m cables with connectors.

Thermopile Pyranometer for measure incoming global solar radiation Delta Ohm LP PYRA02 PYRA03 PYRA12

• First class pyranometer according to ISO 9060.
• Complete with: shade disk, sachet with silica-gel crystals, 2 cartridges, levelling device and calibration report.
• On request 5 or 10m cables with connectors

Albedometer Pyranometer for global incident solar radiation Delta Ohm LPPYRA05

• Albedometer First and Second Class pyranometers according to ISO 9060.
• Complete with: upper and bottom shade disk, desiccant sachet with silica-gel crystals, 2 cartridges, levelling device, support bracket
• calibration report.
• On request 5 or 10m cables with connectors.

Portable Photo-Radiometer Datalogger to measure non-coherent optical radiation acc.European Directive 2006/25/EC Delta Ohm HD2402

• portable photo-radiometer data logger for the measurement of noncoherent optical radiation
• in accordance with European Directive 2006/25/EC and the Legislative Decree No 81, April 9, 2008.
• Photometric sensor for measuring the illuminance (lux meter) in the spectralrange 380÷780 nm.
• Radiometric sensor for the UV band (220÷400 nm) with spectral weighing factor S(λ).
• Radiometric sensor for UVA band (315÷400 nm).
• Radiometric sensor for the band 400÷700 nm (blue) with spectral weighing factor B (λ).
• Radiometric sensor for the IR band (700÷1300 nm) with spectral weighing factor R(λ).
• Thermopile sensor for the measurement of irradiance in the infrared spectral range 400÷2800 nm.

Secondary Class Pyranometer for direct solar irradiance on flat surface and global radiation Delta Ohm LP PYRA10

• measures the irradiance on a flat surface (Watt/m2)
• pyranometer classified as Secondary in accordance with ISO 9060
• according to the publication "Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation", fifth edition (1983) of WMO
• LP PYRA 10 AC ACTIVE with CURRENT 4..20 mA output
• LP PYRA 10 AV ACTIVE with VOLTAGE 0..1 V, 0..5 V, 0..10 V output

Secondary Clsss Pyranometer according to WMO standard ISO9060 Delta Ohm LP PYRA08

• Second class pyranometer according to ISO 9060,
• fast response sensor complete with calibration report,
• possibility to replace the exhausted silica-gel.
• Different configurations available.
• Male M12 connector.
• On request cables with M12 female connector: CPM12AA, length 2, 5, 10m.

Silicon Photodiode Pyranometer with Global Solar Radiation measurement for Photovoltaic Panels Delta Ohm LP SILICON-PYRA04

• LP Silicon-PYRA 04. pyranometer
• measures the global solar radiation (W/m2) by using a silicon photodiode (400nm-1100nm).
• special geometry and the diffuser allow to have a pyranometer field of view of 180 degrees according to cosine law.
• The pyranometer is suitable for the measurement of natural sunlight.

Meteo Pirgeometer for Infrared Radiation Measurement Delta Ohm LP PIRG01

• The pyrgeometer LP PIRG 01 is used to measure the far infrared radiation (FIR).
• Its use is mainly in the meteorological field.
• Measures are referred to radiations with wavelength greater than 4.5 μm .
• The far infrared radiation derives from the measure of the thermopile output signal and from the knowledge of the instrument temperature. The temperature measure is performed by a 10kΩ NTC which is inside the body of the pyrgeometer.
• The pyrgeometer can be used also for the study of energy balance

First Class Pyrheliometer for Direct Solar Irradiance Measurement Delta Ohm LP PIRHE16

• The pyrheliometer LP PYRHE 16 First Class Pyrheliometer according to ISO 9060 classification
• is an instrument for direct measurement of solar irradiance (Watt/m2).
• The receiving surface must be positioned (via a solar tracker or else) perpendicularly to sun’s rays.
• By using suitable diaphragms only the direct light reaches the surface of the sensor.
• According to WMO (Seventh Edition 2008) and ISO 9069 regulations, the pyrheliometer has a field of view of 5°.

Radiometric Probe for Outdoor measuring of Solar Irradiance Delta Ohm LP UVA02

• Radiometric probe for outdoor use for measuring IRRADIANCE in the range UVA (315...400nm).
• mV per mW/cm2 output.
• Complete with Calibration Report.
• On request 5 or 10m cables with connectors

Net Radiometer for Ultraviolet to Infrared Solar Radiation measurement Delta Ohm LP NET07

• LP NET 07 measures the net radiation across a surface, from near ultraviolet to
• far infrared.
• The Net radiation is defined as the difference between the radiation that reaches the upper surface and the irradiation on the lower surface of the net radiometer.
• The surface of the upper receiver measures the direct solar radiation plus the diffuse one and the radiation at longer wavelengths emitted from the sky (clouds), while the lower receiving area measures the solar radiation reflected from the ground (albedo) and the radiation length wavelengths emitted from the earth.
• The instrument is designed and constructed to be used outdoors in any weather
• conditions.

Net Radiometer with 4-components for Solar Radiation Measurements Delta Ohm LP NET14

• LP NET 14 is a 4-component net-radiometer for the measurement of the net radiation between 0.3μm and 45 μm.
• consists of two pyranometers: one for the measurement of the global radiation Esw↓ and the other one for the measurement of the reflected solar radiation Esw↑
• pair of pyrgeometers: one for the measurement of the infrared radiation emitted by the sky EFIR↓ and the other one for the infrared emitted by the ground surface EFIR↑
• equipped with a temperature sensor (NTC).

Portable pH-meter with Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2305.0

• pHmeter-Thermometer which measures pH, mV and temperature.
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Portable pH-meter with Thermometer and Datalogging Delta Ohm HD2105.1 HD2105.2

• pHmeter-Thermometer which measures pH, mV and temperature.
• Datalogger which stores the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 34,000 samples.
• RS232 C/ USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

pH and mV-meter simulator calibrating kit Delta Ohm HD9609

• pH/mV simulator kit composed of instrument HD9609,
• adapter cables CP 9509/T,
• CP9509/BNC and
• carrying case.

Conductivimeter-Thermometer for Conductivity, Liquid Resistivity, Dissolved Solids, Salinity, Temperature Delta Ohm HD2306.0

• Conductivity-Thermometer measures conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids, salinity and temperature.
• Storage of maximum, minimum, average value.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Conductivimeter-Thermometer for Conductivity, Liquid Resistivity, Dissolved Solids, Salinity, Temperature Delta Ohm HD2106.1 HD2106.2

• Conductivity-Thermometer measures conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids, salinity and temperature.
• Datalogger which can store the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 36,000 samples.
• RS232 C/ USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Multiparametric pH-Meter-Conductivimeter-Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2156.1 HD2156.2

• pHmeter-Conductivity-Thermometer measures pH, mV, conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids, salinity and temperature.
• Datalogger, stores the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 20,000 sets of three measurements.
• USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Dissolved Oxigen Tester with Thermometer and Datalogging Delta Ohm HD2109.1 HD2109.2

• Oxygen meter-Thermometer measures dissolved oxygen, saturation index and temperature.
• Datalogger which stores the maximum, minimum, average value and can store up to 18,000 samples.
• RS232 C/ USB output for data transfer in real time to a PC or printer.
• Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled,
• IP 67 protection degree.

Multiparametric Tester for Electrochemical Measurements: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, concentration, solids, salinity Delta Ohm HD98569

• portable multi-parameter data logger for electrochemical measures: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature
• large back-lighted LCD display
• pH, mV, redox potential (ORP) with pH, redox or combined pH/temperature electrodes complete with SICRAM module
• conductivity, resistivity in liquids, total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity with combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity and temperature probes with SICRAM module.
• Concentration of dissolved oxygen in liquids (in mg/l), saturation index (in %)

Laboratory Bench pHmeter-Thermometer with pH, mV, redox potential Delta Ohm HD2205.2

• Bench-top pHmeter-Thermometer with back-lighted display,
• with two BNC inputs, to
• measure pH, mV, ORP with pH, redox, separated reference electrodes,
• one input for a pH/temperature combined probe provided with SICRAM module.
• Datalogger of pH, mV, temperature.
• RS232 C or USB 2.0 serial output for data download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.
• Input for Pt100 or Pt1000 temperature probes provided with SICRAM module

Laboratory Benchtop Conductivity-meter-Thermometer with liquid resistivity, dissolved solids TDS Delta Ohm HD2206.2

• Bench-top conductivity meter-Thermometer with back-lighted display,
• with inputs for measurements of conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and the salinity by conductivity and temperature
• combined probes with 2 or 4 electrodes with direct input or with SICRAM module.
• Datalogger of conductivity or resistivity or TDS and temperature.
• RS232 C or USB 2.0 serial output for data download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.
• Input for Pt100 or Pt1000 temperature probes provided with SICRAM module.

Laboratory Bench pHmeter-Conductivimeter-Thermometer Delta Ohm HD2256.2

• Bench-top pHmeter-Conductivity meter-Thermometer with back-lighted display,
• to measure pH, mV, ORP by pH, redox, separated reference electrodes, one input for a pH/temperature combined probe,
• it measures conductivity, liquid resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity by combined conductivity and temperature probes with
• 2 or 4 electrodes with direct input or with SICRAM module.
• Datalogger for pH or mV, conductivity or resistivity or TDS and temperature.
• RS232 C serial output or USB 2.0 for data download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.

Laboratory Benchtop Conductivity-meter-Thermometer with liquid resistivity, dissolved solids TDS Delta Ohm HD3406.2

• Bench-top Conductivity meter-Thermometer measures conductivity, liquid resistivity,
• total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity by 2 or 4 electrodes,
• combined conductivity probes and temperature by Pt100 or Pt1000 probes.
• Datalogger which stores maximum, minimum, average value, it can store up to 36,000 samples.
• RS232 C serial output or USB 2.0 for data download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.
• Functions: REL, HOLD, auto power off which can be disabled.,
• protection degree IP 66

Laboratory Tester for Electrochemical parameters: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, concentration, solids, salinity Delta Ohm HD22569.2

• bench top instrument for electrochemical measures: pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature.
• It is are fitted with a large backlighted LCD display.
• pH, mV, redox potential (ORP) with pH, redox electrodes or electrodes with separate reference;
• conductivity, resistivity in liquids,
• total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity with combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/
• temperature probes with direct input or SICRAM module;
• concentration of dissolved oxygen in liquids (in mg/l) and saturation index (in %),

Laboratory Electrochemical Multiparatemer Tester for disslved oxigen, concentration, saturation index Delta Ohm HD3409.2

• Bench-top Oxymeter-Thermometer measures dissolved oxygen,
• saturation index by polarographic type combined probes,
• temperature by Pt100 probes with SICRAM module.
• Datalogger which stores maximum, minimum, average value.
• RS232 C serial output or USB 2.0 for data download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.
• Functions: REL, HOLD, auto power off which can be disabled,
• protection degree IP 66

Laboratory Bench pHmeter-Conductivimeter-Thermometer Delta Ohm HD3456.2

• Bench-top pHmeter-Conductivity meter-Thermometer
• measures pH, mV, ORP values by pH, redox or separated reference electrodes, conductivity,
• liquids resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity by combined conductivity and temperature probes by Pt100 or Pt1000 probes.
• Datalogger which stores maximum, minimum, average value.
• RS232 C serial output or USB 2.0 for data download to a PC or printer from memory or in real time.
• Functions: REL, HOLD, auto power off which can be disabled,
• protection degree IP 66

Portable Laboratory Turbidity-Meter for LProcess iquids, Drinking Water, Waste Water Delta Ohm HD25.2

• Portable and bench turbidity meter equipped with 3 photodetectors and two light sources
• it measures according to the standard EPA 180.1, ISO-NEPH (ISO 7027), EBC and ASBC.
• Automatic calibration,
• datalogger,
• data downloading to PC by RS232C or USB 2.0 through the software DeltaLog11



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Category: DELTAOHM testers temperature humidity datalogger air meteo microclimate