Meteo Pirgeometer for Infrared Radiation Measurement Delta Ohm LP PIRG01 FIR meteorological     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM (60) > Meteo Pirgeometer for Infrared Radiation Measurement Delta Ohm LP PIRG01


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Meteo Pirgeometer for Infrared Radiation Measurement Delta Ohm LP PIRG01

Code: Delta Ohm LP PIRG01
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.88 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The pyrgeometer LP PIRG 01 is used to measure the far infrared radiation (FIR).

Its use is mainly in the meteorological field. Measures are referred to radiations

with wavelength greater than 4.5 μm .

The far infrared radiation derives from the measure of the thermopile output

signal and from the knowledge of the instrument temperature. The temperature

measure is performed by a 10kΩ NTC which is inside the body of the pyrgeometer.

The pyrgeometer can be used also for the study of energy balance. In this case,

besides another pyrgeometer which measures infrared radiation upwards, it is

necessary an albedometer (LP PYRA 05 or LP PYRA 06) to measure short wavelengths

radiation (<3μm) .


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Product: Meteo Pirgeometer for Infrared Radiation Measurement Delta Ohm LP PIRG01 FIR meteorological