Luxmeter Radiometer measuring illuminance, PAR, irradiance Delta Ohm HD2302.0 HD2302.0VP474 pyranometer tester light solar     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM (60) > Luxmeter Radiometer measuring illuminance, PAR, irradiance Delta Ohm HD2302.0 HD2302.0VP474


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Luxmeter Radiometer measuring illuminance, PAR, irradiance Delta Ohm HD2302.0 HD2302.0VP474

Code: Delta Ohm HD2302.0 HD2302.0VP474
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.49 Mb)

» Technical Specs

HD2303.0 Device for measuring illuminance, luminance, PAR, irradiance. Storage of maximum, minimum, average value. Functions: REL, HOLD and auto power off which can be disabled, IP 67 protection degree. Complete with carrying case, instruction manual, 3 batteries. LP471. series probes with SICRAM module are suitable. The probes have to be ordered separately.



HD2302.0VP474 Radiometer complete with SICRAM module. A pyranometer such as LP PYRA02AV or LP PYRA03AV can be connected. The instrument displays the values in W/m2. The order has to be placed for: instrument, pyra­no­meter and connection cable. The kit includes instrument, module VP474, carrying case, instruction manual, 3 batteries. The pyranometer at choice between LP PYRA02AV or LP PYRA03AV, the cable (CP AA 1.5 or CP AA 1.10) and any other LP471 series probes have to be ordered separately. The kit has to be configured by the manufacturer.


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Product: Luxmeter Radiometer measuring illuminance, PAR, irradiance Delta Ohm HD2302.0 HD2302.0VP474 pyranometer tester light solar