Datalooger with Microclimate analysis WBGT PMV PPD Delta Ohm HD32.3 HD32.3A predicted mean vote Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM (60) > Datalooger with Microclimate analysis WBGT PMV PPD Delta Ohm HD32.3 HD32.3A


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Datalooger with Microclimate analysis WBGT PMV PPD Delta Ohm HD32.3 HD32.3A

Code: Delta Ohm HD32.3 HD32.3A
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.65 Mb)

» Technical Specs

• Analysis of hot environments using WBGT index (Wet Bulb Glob Temperature:
wet bulb temperature and Globe thermometer) in presence or absence of solar radiation.
• Analysis of the moderate warm environments using PMV index (Predicted Mean Vote) and PPD index (Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied).
Reference Rules:
ISO 7243: Hot environments. Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on WBGT index (wet bulb globe Thermometer).
ISO 8996: Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Determination of metabolic rate.
ISO 7726: Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Instruments for measuring physical quantities.
ISO 7730: Moderate thermal environments. Determination of PMV and PPD index and specification of the condition for thermal comfort.
The instrument is provided with three inputs for probes with SICRAM module:
the SICRAM module interface between the instrument and sensor connected and communicate the sensor parameters and calibration data to the instrument.
All SICRAM probes can be plugged into any of the inputs: they are automatically recognized upon turning on the instrument.
The main features of the instrument are:
• Logging: data acquisition and logging In the integral instrument memory. Storage capacity: 64 different logging sections, sample interval, user selectable.
• Start and stop can be set automatically with the auto-start function,
• Selectable measurement unit of the temperature: °C, °F, °K.
• Date and time of the instrument.
• The display of maximum, minimum, medium statistic parameters and their deletion.
• The transfer speed of data via RS232 serial port.

Standard kit consists of four AA 1.5 V batteries, instruction manual, software Deltalog 10 for WBGT, PMV and PPD index analysis. The probes and cables have to be ordered separately. The probes necessary for WBGT measurement are the following: · Dry bulb temperature probes TP3207.2. · Globe temperature probe TP3276.2. - Natural ventilation wet bulb temperature probe HP3201.2. The probes necessary for PMV and PPD measurement are the following: · Relative humidity and temperature combined probe HP3217.2. · Omnidirectional hotwire probe AP3203.2. · Globe temperature probe TP3276.2.


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Product: Datalooger with Microclimate analysis WBGT PMV PPD Delta Ohm HD32.3 HD32.3A predicted mean vote Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied