Net Radiometer with 4-components for Solar Radiation Measurements Delta Ohm LP NET14 ultraviolet UV infrared meteo     ROM     ENG  
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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM (60) > Net Radiometer with 4-components for Solar Radiation Measurements Delta Ohm LP NET14


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Net Radiometer with 4-components for Solar Radiation Measurements Delta Ohm LP NET14

Code: Delta Ohm LP NET14
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1 Mb)

» Technical Specs

LP NET 14 is a 4-component net-radiometer for the measurement of the net

radiation between 0.3μm and 45 μm.

The net-radiometer consists of two pyranometers (one for the measurement of

the global radiation Esw↓ and the other one for the measurement of the reflected

solar radiation Esw↑) and a pair of pyrgeometers (one for the measurement of

the infrared radiation emitted by the sky EFIR↓ and the other one for the infrared

emitted by the ground surface EFIR↑).

The LP NET 14 is equipped with a temperature sensor (NTC). The measurement

of the temperature is needed for the measurement with the two pyrgeometers,

in fact, the far infrared is derived by measuring the thermopile output and by the

knowledge of the instrument’s temperature.

The net radiometer is suitable for outdoor use in all weather conditions and

requires little maintenance.


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Product: Net Radiometer with 4-components for Solar Radiation Measurements Delta Ohm LP NET14 ultraviolet UV infrared meteo