HVACR Datalogger for Air speed, flow, Pressure, Temperature Delta Ohm DO2003 debitmeter manometer barometer flowmeter

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Environment Testers > DELTAOHM (60) > HVACR Datalogger for Air speed, flow, Pressure, Temperature Delta Ohm DO2003


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HVACR Datalogger for Air speed, flow, Pressure, Temperature Delta Ohm DO2003

Code: Delta Ohm DO2003

» Technical Specs

HVACR Datalogger to measure: air speed and flow rate with the hot wire probes, vane probes, Pitot tube probes, Pt100 temperature probes for immersion, pointed and for surface, combined temperature/relative humidity probes. Pressure up to 2000 mbar and barometric pressure. Max-Min-Med, Rel measurements. Storage up to 12,000 readings. Serial output RS232C. Configurable storing and printing interval. The kit is provided with the instrument DO2003, carrying case, instruction manual, 4 batteries, Software DeltaLog 3. The air speed probes, Pitot tubes, temperature probes, temperature and humidity probes, pressure probes and cables for data download (9CPRS232) have to be ordered separately.


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Product: HVACR Datalogger for Air speed, flow, Pressure, Temperature Delta Ohm DO2003 debitmeter manometer barometer flowmeter