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Signal Generators > TTi


Analog Function Generator 3 MHz TTi TG310

• 0.003Hz to 3MHz frequency range
• High waveform quality at all frequencies & levels
• 2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 Ohms or 600 Ohms

Analog Function Generator 3 MHz TTi TG315

• 0.03Hz to 3MHz frequency range
• Simultaneous display of frequency & amplitude
• High waveform quality at all frequencies & levels
• 2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 Ohms or 600 Ohms

Analog Function Generator 3 MHz TTi TG320

• 0.03Hz to 3MHz frequency range
• External seven digit 120MHz counter
• Simultaneous display of frequency & amplitude
• High waveform quality at all frequencies & levels
• 2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 Ohms or 600 Ohms

Analog Function Generator 3 MHz TTi TG330

• 0.03Hz to 3MHz frequency range
• External seven digit 120MHz counter
• Precision internal lin/log sweep
• Internal/external AM up to 100%
• Simultaneous display of frequency & amplitude
• High waveform quality at all frequencies & levels
• 2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 Ohms or 600 Ohms

Analog Function Generator 20 MHz TTi TG120

• 20MHz dial set function generator
• 0.2Hz to 20MHz frequency range
• Sine, square and triangle waveforms plus dc
• 10mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 Ohms

Analog Function Generator 5 MHz TTi TG550

• 0.005Hz to 5MHz frequency range
• Built-in 7 digit frequency counter
• Internal/external AM up to 100%
• Precision internal lin/log sweep

Digital Function Generator 10 MHz TTi TG1000

• 0.001Hz to 10MHz frequency range
• 6 digits or 1mHz resolution
• 1ppm stability and 10ppm one year accuracy

Digital Function Generator 10MHz with Counter TTi TG1006

• 0.001Hz to 10MHz frequency range
• 6 digits or 1mHz resolution
• 1ppm stability and 10ppm one year accuracy
• Low distortion, high spectral purity sine waves

Digital Function Generator 20 MHz TTi TG2000

• 0.001Hz to 20MHz frequency range
• 6 digits or 1mHz resolution
• 1ppm stability and 10ppm one year accuracy
• USB and RS232 Interface

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 10 MHz TTi TG1010A

• 10MHz D.D.S. function with arbitrary
• 0.1mHz to 10MHz range
• 7 digit resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator TTi 40 MHz TG4001

• 40MHz D.D.S. function generator with arbitrary capability
• 0.1mHz to 40MHz (50MHz square) rang
• 10 digit resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 25 MHz TTi TG2511

• 1 µHz to 25 MHz range(sine and square)
• 1 µHz resolution
• 128K points at up to 125MS/s Arbitrary waveforms
• True pulse generator with variable delay and variable rise/fall

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 50 MHz TTi TG5011

• 1 µHz to 50 MHz range(sine and square)
• 1 µHz resolution
• 128K points at up to 125MS/s Arbitrary waveforms
• True pulse generator with variable delay and variable rise/fall

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 16 MHz TTi TGA1241

• 16 MHz sine and square
• Single channel
• 40 MSa/s sample rate
• 12-bit vertical resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 2 x 16 MHz TTi TGA1242

• 16 MHz sine and square
• Dual channel independent or linked
• 40 MSa/s sample rate
• 12-bit vertical resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 4 x 16 MHz TTi TGA1244

• 16 MHz sine and square
• 4-channel independent or linked
• 40 MSa/s sample rate
• 12-bit vertical resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 40 MHz TTi TGA12101

• 40 MHz sine
• 50 MHz square
• Single channel
• 100 MSa/s sample rate
• 12-bit vertical resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 2 x 40 MHz TTi TGA12102

• 40 MHz sine
• 50 MHz square
• Dual channel independent or linked
• 100 MSa/s sample rate
• 12-bit vertical resolution

Digital Arbitrary Function Generator 4 x 40 MHz TTi TGA12104

• 40 MHz sine
• 50 MHz square
• 4-channel independent or linked
• 100 MSa/s sample rate
• 12-bit vertical resolution

RF Signal Generator 10 MHz..1 GHz TTi TGR1040

• 10 MHz to 1 GHz frequency range
• 1 kHz setability, +/-2ppm frequency stability
• -127 dBm to +7dBm amplitude, 0.1dB steps
• FM modulation, internal or external

RF Signal Generator 150 kHz..2 GHz TTi TGR2050

• 150 kHz to 2 GHz frequency range
• 10 Hz setability, +/-1ppm frequency stability
• -127 dBm to +7dBm amplitude, 0.1dB steps
• AM, FM and Phase modulation, internal or external

RF Signal Generator 10 MHz..6 GHz TTi TGR6000

• 10MHz to 6000MHz frequency range
• 10Hz setability, +/-1ppm frequency stability
• Locking to external frequency standard
• -110dBm to +7dBm amplitude, 0.1dB steps
• Full remote control through RS232, USB, LAN and GPIB

Pulse Generator 0.1Hz-10MHz TTi TGP110

• 0.1Hz to 10MHz frequency range
• Independent control of pulse frequency, width and delay
• 50ns minimum pulse width
• Squarewave, double pulse & delayed pulse modes
• Free-run, gated and triggered modes
• 50 Ohm output: 0.1V to 10V amplitude

Waveform Signal Amplifier TTi WA301

• Extends the output range of function generators
• 30 Volts peak to peak output swing
• DC to 1MHz bandwidth
• High impedance input, 0dB to +20dB gain
• 50 Ohm and 600 Ohm outputs
• 20dB swtitchable output attenuator



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Category: TTi Function generators Sweep function generator, Digital signal generators, signalgenerator, variable frequency generator, pulse generator, impulse generator, programmable function generator, programmable frequency generator, triangular waveform generator, frequency generator