Flir SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650 High Sensitivity and Accuracy Infrared Camera for Industrial/ Educational Therography SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650     ROM     ENG  
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Infrared Thermal Cameras > FLIR (46) > Flir SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650 High Sensitivity and Accuracy Infrared Camera for Industrial/ Educational Therography


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Flir SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650 High Sensitivity and Accuracy Infrared Camera for Industrial/ Educational Therography

Code: Flir SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650
Flir IR Camera Brochure Flir IR Camera Brochure (*.PDF - 6 Mb)

» Technical Specs

High performance thermal imaging cameras for industrial, educational & thermography


The FLIR SC5000 Series provides a high spatial resolution allowing a highest sensitivity & accuracy. Its 320 x 256 or 640 x 512 pixels format Indium Antimonide (InSb) focal plane array delivers respectively an outstanding 380 or 100 Hz frame rate while keeping extraordinary linearity and sensitivity figures. The use of our latest read out integrated circuit technology provides low noise and high pixel rate without compromising sensitivity.

The smart external triggering feature allows synchronisation of the image capture to the most fleeting of events. The FLIR SC5000 Series is truly plug & play using either GigE or CAMLINK interfaces to transmit both commands and full dynamic range digital video. Its autofocus embedded lens allows to easily setup the camera.


Choice of detector
The FLIR SC5000 series is equipped with a cooled Indium Antimonide detector that allows the smallest of temperature differences to be seen. It operates in the 2.5 to 5.1 µm waveband. A version equipped with a Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) detector is also available. It operates in the 3.7 to 4.8 µm waveband.


640 x 512 pixels
Some models of the SC5000 series produce crisp thermal images of 640 x 512 pixels. Users that do not need this spatial resolution can choose a version that produces thermal images of 320 x 256 pixels.


High Sensitivity: up to 20 mK
20 mk thermal sensitivity captures the finest image details and temperature difference information


Ultra high frame rate with windowing
Depending on the model and detector, the FLIR SC5000 series can deliver thermal images up to a speed of 31.7 kHz. Windowing allows a subset of the total image to be selectively read out with user-adjustable window size at a much higher frame rate. The sub-sample window sizes and locations can be arbitrarily chosen and are easily defined using the camera control software.


External triggering
External triggering allows synchronisation of the image capture to the most fleeting events. Three external analogue signals are synchronously acquired with the image allowing embedding external sensor measurements.


Adjustable integration time
Integration time is adjustable in nanosecond increments. The smart external triggering feature allows synchronisation of the image capture to the most fleeting events.


Temperature Range Extension
Temperature Range
Extension (TRE) allows SC5000 cameras to acquire thermal data from up to 4 user defined temperature ranges simultaneously. The data can then be merged into a single data stream in real-time that spans all 4 temperature ranges and be displayed or recorded. TRE effectively extends the dynamic range from 14-bit to a 16-bit image.


Removable filter wheel
The FLIR SC5000 series comes standard with a removable, motorised 4 position filter wheel. This allows imaging of events in a very narrow part of the electromagnetic spectrum.


Multiple video outputs
The FLIR SC5000 series feature multiple independent video outputs to include:
• Analog – Composite (BNC)
• Digital – CameraLink
• Digital – Gigabit Ethernet


Precise automatic IRIG time stamp of all images
IRIG timing receiver is built directly into the SC5000 camera providing accurate time stamping in the camera header information. IRIG is a standardised time code allowing equipment to be synchronised to a known reference time. The most common version is IRIG-B, which encodes day of year, hour, minute, and second data on a 1 kHz carrier frequency, with an update rate of once per second.


Motorised focus
The SC5000 series are equipped with a motorised focus. It can not only auto focus the camera but also allows for fast manual focus when needed.


Compact & lightweight
The FLIR SC5000 series are compact cameras for fixed R&D installations.







Imaging performance

Sensor type



InSb (FLIR detector for SC5650)

Pixel Resolution




Pixel Pitch




Digital Full Frame rate

170 Hz

383 Hz

100 Hz


up to 11 kHz windowing

up to 31.7 kHz with windowing

up to 3.425 kHz with windowing

FPA Windowing

160x128 / 64x120 / 64x8

Arbitrary Size and Location

Arbitrary Size and Location




f/3.0 - f/4.0 for SC5650






Available optics

27mm (Built in ) - 20°x 16°
12mm - 45°x 36°
54mm - 10°x 8°
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4°
0.5X Microscope - 60µ
1X Microscope - 30µ
3X Microscope - 10µ

27mm (Built in ) - 20°x 16°
12mm - 45°x 36°
54mm - 10°x 8°
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4°
0.5X Microscope - 60µ
1X Microscope - 30µ
3X Microscope - 10µ

27mm (Built in ) - 20°x 16°
12mm - 45°x 36°
54mm - 10°x 8°
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4°
0.5X Microscope - 30µ
1X Microscope - 15µ
3X Microscope - 5µ


Imaging performance




Dynamic Range

14 bit

Spectral response

2.5-5.1 µm






Standard Camera Calibration Range

5ºC to 300ºC

Optional Camera Calibration Range

-20ºC to 50ºC
-280ºC to 1500ºC
up to 2500ºC
up to 3000ºC

Ambient Drift Compensation


Hypercal / CNUC Functionality





Digital Data Output

GigE, Camera Link

Analog Video

Composite and S-Video

Command & Control

GigE, Camera Link




Manual Tactile Focus


Motorised Focus


Auto Focus





Built-in IRIG-B timing


Triggering Options


SDK Support


Lab View Compatibility


Filtering Options

Removable/motorised 4 Position Filter Wheel

Matlab support






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Product: Flir SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650 High Sensitivity and Accuracy Infrared Camera for Industrial/ Educational Therography SC5200 SC5500 SC5600 SC5650