Flir Orion SC7000 Multispectral Infrared Camera SW-MWIR LWIR research development laboratory high performance     ROM     ENG  
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Infrared Thermal Cameras > FLIR (46) > Flir Orion SC7000 Multispectral Infrared Camera


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Flir Orion SC7000 Multispectral Infrared Camera

Code: Flir Orion SC7000
Flir IR Camera Brochure Flir IR Camera Brochure (*.PDF - 6 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The FLIR SC7000 Orion Series are infrared multispectral imagers capable of producing IR sub-band images at video rates within the SW-MWIR or LWIR region. Infrared radiation from the scene under investigation is collected through a front lens, designed to offer minimal aberration across the full IR wavelength range.


Configurable filter wheel setup to match different type of analysis
The Orion integrates a high speed 2x4 position filter wheel. It is inserted between the lens and the focal plane. The rotation of this filter wheel is driven synchronously with the     FPA clocking, such that a single image snap shot is obtained for each particular filter position.


Versatile system with traditional thermal imaging camera mode
The Orion SC7000 is capable of capturing up to 400 frames per second in 320 x 240 pixels, each high quality image being captured in snap-shot mode. The integration time is variable by software and can be different for each filter. An image is captured for each given position of the filter wheel, providing true multispectral imaging. The Orion SC7000 Series can also be used as a normal IR camera at full speed by removing or stopping the filter wheel. In addition to image acquisition, ALTAIR software also processes the acquired image data.




FLIR Orion SC7000 Specifications



ORION 7200-7500 / 7900VL

ORION 7600

Imaging performance

Sensor type

InSb / MCT


Pixel Resolution



Pixel Pitch



Spectral ranges

1.5 - 5.1 µm for InSb (BB)

1.5 - 5.1 µm for InSb (BB)


7.7 - 11.5 µm for SC7900VL







<20mk for InSb / <25mk for MCT


Standard Camera Calibration Range

5ºC to 300ºC for InSb 5ºC to 150ºC for MCT

5ºC to 300ºC for InSb

Optional Camera Calibration Range

-20°C to 300ºC / -20ºC to 150ºC
5ºC to 1500ºC / 5ºC to 150ºC
up to 2500ºC / up to 1.500°C
up to 3000ºC (for InSb only)

-20°C to 300ºC
5ºC to 1500ºC
up to 2500ºC
up to 3000ºC

Digital Full Frame rate

InSb: 170 Hz - 380 Hz full frame
up to 11 kHz - 31.8 KHz with windowing
MCT: 230 Hz full frame
up to 25 kHz with windowing
Limited to 400Hz in ORION mode

InSb: 100 Hz full frame
up to 3.425 kHz with windowing
Limited to 400 Hz in ORION mode





Available optics

SWB 25mm - 22°x 17° - 27mm - 20°x 16° in SWB
50mm - 11°x 8.8°
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4°
200mm - 2.75°x 2.2°
12mm - 44°x 36°
25mm - 22°x 17°
50mm - 11°x 8.8°
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4°
200mm - 2.75°x 2.2°
Close up x1 - 9.6x7.7mm
Close up x3 - 3.2x2.6mm
Close up x1 - 9.6x7.7mm Working distance 300mm (not available in LWB)

12mm - 44°x 36°
25mm - 22°x 17°
50mm - 11°x 8.8°
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4°
200mm - 2.75°x 2.2°
Close up x1 - 9.6x7.7mm
Close up x3 - 3.2x2.6mm
Close up x1 - 9.6x7.7mm WD 300mm



Imaging performance



Dynamic Range

14 bit, 16 bit with TRE

Camera Temp Calibration


Ambient Drift Compensation


Temp. Measurement Accuracy

+/-1% or +/-1°C

Hypercal / CNUC Functionality




Analog Input


Analog Video

Composite or S-Video

Digital Data Output

GigE, Camera Link

Command & Control

GigE, Camera Link

FPA Windowing

Arbitrary Size and Location


f/3.0 for InSb and f/2.0 for MCT

Filter Options

High speed 8 filters wheel with rotation driven synchronously with FPA clocking. 400 Hz max.



Motorised Focus


Auto Focus


Built-in IRIG-B timing


Triggering Options


SDK Support


Lab View Compatibility


Matlab Compatibility



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Product: Flir Orion SC7000 Multispectral Infrared Camera SW-MWIR LWIR research development laboratory high performance