Flir i5 Infrared Thermovision Camera 80 x 80 pixels thermographic imager thermal viewer predictive mentenance     ROM     ENG  
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Infrared Thermal Cameras > FLIR (46) > Flir i5 Infrared Thermovision Camera 80 x 80 pixels


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Flir i5 Infrared Thermovision Camera 80 x 80 pixels

Code: Flir i5
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.33 Mb)

» Technical Specs

FLIR i3 / i5 / i7 is the smallest, lightest and most affordable thermal imaging camera on the market. It is incredibly easy to use and requires no former experience. It really is a matter of "point-shoot-detect" to obtain high-quality thermal images that will immediately give you the thermal information you need.


Outstanding ease-of-use

The camera is extremely easy to understand and operate, designed for entry-level users. The camera is intuitive and comes with a full manual.


Fully automatic
Produces instant, point-and-shoot JPEG thermal imagery that carries all required temperature data and can be stored internally or externally, sent and analyzed.


Focus free
The fixed focus free lens makes using the FLIR i5/i7 a snap.


Compact and lightweight
FLIR i3/i5/i7 weighs only 340 g, and is easy to store in a belt pouch.


SD card storage
Stores images with unique ID in radiometric JPEG format, containing all temperature data on a standard miniSD card. USB file transfer to PC.


Reporting and analysis software included
FLIR QuickReport software is included and the camera is also compatible with the more powerful FLIR Reporter.


Outstanding measurement/accuracy
High accuracy of ±2°C or ±2% produces sensitive thermal images for general purpose maintenance analysis. Measures temperatures up to +250°C and detects temperature differences as small as 0.10°C.


Measurement functions
Spotmeter, box with max./min. temperatures, isotherm above/below (depending on model).


FLIR i3 / i5 / i7 camera model comparison


 FLIR i3



Thermal image quality: 60x60 pixels

Thermal image quality: 80x80 pixels

Thermal image quality: 120x120 pixels

Field of View: 12.5°(H) x 12.5°(V)

Field of View: 17°(H) x 17°(V)

Field of View: 25°(H) x 25°(V)

Center spot

Center spot

Spotmeter, area with max./min. temperature, isotherm above/below

Thermal sensitivity: 0.15°C

Thermal sensitivity: 0.10°C

Thermal sensitivity: 0.10°C

» Standard included accessories

  • FLIR QuickReport CD
  • Printed Getting Started Guide
  • User documentation CD-ROM
  • Calibration certificate
  • Hand strap
  • Battery (inside camera)
  • Power supply/charger with EU, UK, US and Australian plugs
  • USB cable
  • miniSD card (512 MB) with SD card adaptor

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Product: Flir i5 Infrared Thermovision Camera 80 x 80 pixels thermographic imager thermal viewer predictive mentenance