Flir SC2500 Near Infrared Camera with Extended Wavelength from 0.9..1.7 µm laser drug blood paint chemicals food furnace inspection     ROM     ENG  
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Infrared Thermal Cameras > FLIR (46) > Flir SC2500 Near Infrared Camera with Extended Wavelength from 0.9..1.7 µm


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Flir SC2500 Near Infrared Camera with Extended Wavelength from 0.9..1.7 µm

Code: Flir SC2500
Flir IR Camera Brochure Flir IR Camera Brochure (*.PDF - 6 Mb)

» Technical Specs

Near IR Camera with Extended Wavelength from 0.9 µm to 1.7 µm


The FLIR SC2500 provides extraordinary sensitivity in the shortwave region of the infrared spectrum. It's unique embedded filter holder makes this camera a highly versatile instrument for a wide range of applications.

Typical applications are laser beam profiling, drug concentration evaluation, seeing through blood and paint, performing spectral data collection of chemicals, food inspections, furnace temperature measurements, …


Choice of detector
Equipped with a InGaAs (Indium Gallium Arsenide) detector, the SC2500 operates in the 0.9 to 1.7 micrometer waveband (optional 0.4 - 1.7µm).


High sensitivity
The SC2500 series offers an extremely high sensitivity and a low noise operation.


Ultra high frame rate with windowing
The SC2500 produces crisp images at a full frame rate of 340 Hz, 15 kHz with windowing. This allows capturing 14-bit data at high speed


Accurate non-temperature measurement
The FLIR SC2500 provides accurate non-contact temperature measurements. The camera is able to be calibrated for temperatures up to 3.000˚C.


Spectral tuning capabilities
The SC2500 features a removable one inch filter. This allows selecting spectral sub-bands to adapt the system’s response to the specific application.


Easy integration in other instruments
The fully removable C-Mount interface makes the camera easy to be integrated into complex optical instruments such as interferometers or spectrometers.



Imaging performance

Sensor type

InGaAs (VisGaAs optional)

Spectral ranges

0.9 - 1.7 µm (0.4 - 1.7 µm optional)



Pixel Resolution


Pixel Pitch


Dynamic Range

14 bit




Camera Temp Calibration


Standard Camera Calibration Range

400ºC up to 3000ºC




Digital Data Output


Analog Video


Command & Control


FPA Windowing

Arbitrary Size and Location

Analog Input

Lock-In only




Motorised Focus


Auto Focus


Built-in IRIG-B timing


Triggering Options





SDK Support


Ambient Drift Compensation


Temp. Measurement Accuracy

+/-1% or +/-1°C

Digital Full Frame rate

340 Hz full frame up to 15 kHz with windowing

Lab View Compatibility


Matlab Compatibility






Lens dependent

Filter Options

One filter holder

Available optics

6mm - 77°x 65° (F/1.4)
12mm - 44°x 36° (F/1.4)
16mm - 33°x 27° (F/1.4)
25mm - 22°x 17° (F/1.6)
35mm - 16°x 12° (F/1.6)
50mm - 11°x 8.8° (F/2)
75mm - 5.5°x 4.4° (F/2.5)
100mm - 5.5°x 4.4° (F/2.8)
300mm - 1.8ºx 1.5º (F/4.5)
1000mm - 0.55ºx 0.44º (F/10)


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Product: Flir SC2500 Near Infrared Camera with Extended Wavelength from 0.9..1.7 µm laser drug blood paint chemicals food furnace inspection