testo 905-T1 - Penetration probe

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 905-T1 - Penetration probe


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testo 905-T1 - Penetration probe

Code: testo 905-T1 - 0560 9055
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.06 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 905-T1 penetration thermometer has a large measuring range from -58 to +662 °F, and can even measure up to +932 °F for a short time (1 to 2 minutes). Its permanently integrated type K thermocouple probe makes this possible. In addition, this penetration thermometer is characterized by its short response time. The thermocouple probe reacts very quickly, particularly in water (or other liquids). This penetration thermometer is therefore ideally suited for measurements in fluid substances in laboratory, chemical, and pharmaceutical areas.

In addition to immersion and penetration of the long, pointed probe shaft in liquids and soft or powdery substances being possible, you can also insert it in ventilation ducts to measure the temperature there. This penetration thermometer is also a winner when it comes to accuracy, because it achieves a higher level than typical comparable models.


A really user-friendly penetration thermometer

The testo 905-T1 penetration thermometer is easy to use and very user friendly. The measuring values are shown very legibly on the display. The fact that the display can be pivoted also makes reading easier. This is particularly practical, since the measuring values can be read off perfectly, from many different perspectives.



  • Professional industrial sensor (thermocouple Type K)
  • High accuracy
  • Easy readout of measurement value due to rotatable display
  • Alarm message, reliable transmisstion of alarm value limits



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Product: testo 905-T1 - Penetration probe