testo 160 IAQ - Wi-Fi data logger with display and internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure

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Gas Analyzers > TESTO (35) > testo 160 IAQ - Wi-Fi data logger with display and internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure


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testo 160 IAQ - Wi-Fi data logger with display and internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure

Code: testo 160 0572 2014

» Technical Specs

For areas such as schools and offices, the testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger is a necessary tool for monitoring and recording indoor air quality.  The quality of indoor air has a major influence on people's health and productivity.  High CO2 levels in indoor air can lead to fatigue and a lack of concentration.  The testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger helps optimize indoor air quality by providing reliable records and air quality warnings.

Monitoring temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure with the testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger
The easy to use testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger is ideal for monitoring indoor air quality.  Using internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure, the testo 160 IAQ accurately determines the air conditions of a monitored area.
The logger data is accessible at any time from any browser enabled device, such as a smart phone, tablet, or a PC or Mac.

The testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger – unobtrusive and easy to hide
The testo 160 IAQ logger was made small, about 3.3 x 4.6 x 1.26 inches. To make it easy to conceal, an optional paintable deco cover is available to help the logger blend in with its surroundings.

A perfect network appliance – uses an existing Wi-Fi network to send data to the testo Cloud
The testo Cloud is a central data repository for all of your testo 160 data loggers.  On your testo Cloud account, you can configure data loggers and set alarm points, designate authorized users, and set recipients for alarms and monitoring reports.
To start, register at www.museum.saveris.net to gain access to your account.  To register you can use a browser, or our Saveris 2 phone app for iOS or Android.
Depending on your needs, you can select between the free Basic or subscription based Advanced functionalities as needed, to create 10 user accounts, or add text messaging of alarms, for example.
Additional functionality of the testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger
The logger comes with a large internal memory for 40,000 measurement values to protect your data, in case of a blackout or Wi-Fi network issues.  The logger housing has IP20 moisture protection, and uses readily available, standard alkaline batteries.  The batteries are monitored, and should last for about 12 months.   The logger can also be powered by an external USB power supply, and in such a case, the batteries will be used only during a loss of power.


Delivery Scope

·         testo 160 IAQ Wi-Fi data logger

·         Includes free Cloud access (Basic License)

·         Batteries (4 x AA alkaline)

·         USB cable

·         Wall bracket with unlocking key and adhesive strip

·         QR code sticker

·         Basic instructions

·         Factory calibration document



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Product: testo 160 IAQ - Wi-Fi data logger with display and internal sensors for temperature, humidity, CO2, and atmospheric pressure