testo 103 - Folding food thermometer

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 103 - Folding food thermometer


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testo 103 - Folding food thermometer

Code: testo 103 - 0560 0103
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.29 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 103 food thermometer is the smallest folding food probe thermometer in its class. At a little over 4 in. it is so small it fits in any shirt or trouser pocket. And because the probe can be folded away, it can’t break off or cause any harm or damage.


The testo 103 food thermometer – ideal for food safety inspections

The testo 103 food probe thermometer is ideal for checking incoming goods, catering services, commercial kitchens, cold storage rooms and supermarkets. It can be used everywhere where food is sold, stored or processed to ensure that temperatures are kept and quality and hygiene standards are met.

The thermometer’s thin, rugged sensor tip leaves virtually no trace when used for carrying out spot checks on liquid and semi-solid media.

The probe can also measure the core temperature of food at an angle of only 30°. This is particularly important as it is not always possible to measure at an angle of 180°, i.e. when food is in storage, stacked in boxes or on display.

When you’re finished, simply fold the probe away and pop the thermometer back into your pocket. The testo 103 food probe thermometer is not only HACCP compliant and EN 13485 certified but also splash water protected making it ideal for use in the food sector.



  • Ideal for use with food: HACCP compliant / certified according to EN 13485
  • Splash water protected / IP55 rated
  • Practical folding mechanism for quick and easy measuring / fits in any shirt or trouser pocket
  • Easy to use / high-precision technology



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Product: testo 103 - Folding food thermometer