dry-contact inputs: 3 channels (9021-UC) or 6 channels (9100-UC)
timing windows: 1 second, 10 seconds, or 20 seconds
timing resolutions ±50 micro-seconds @ 1 sec. duration, ±500 micro-seconds @ 10 sec. duration, ±1.0 milli-seconds @ 20 sec. duration
breaker operations: Initiate Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, Open-Close-Open
Fully analyze circuit breaker's performance
measuring main contact and resistor contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, bounce back and contact wipes
USB computer interface
USB Flash drive interface (Flash drive not included)
Store up to 200 test records and 100 test plans internally
Initiate Breaker Operation
Built-in 4.5" wide Thermal Printer
Rugged "QWERTY" style membrane keypad
Optional "On-line" Timing Mode
Optional dual ground testing mode
Optional Bluetooth wireless computer interface
The CT-7000 S3 is Vanguard's fourth generation EHV circuit breaker analyzer. The CT-7000 S3 is available with 3 (part number 9021-UC) or 6 contact timing channels (part number 9100-UC). The CT-7000 S3 can fully analyze a circuit breaker's performance by measuring the main contact and resistor contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, bounce back and contact wipes. Both contact and motion analysis can be performed on all circuit breaker operations (OPEN, CLOSE, OPEN-CLOSE, CLOSE-OPEN, and OPEN CLOSE-OPEN).
Contact Timing Input Channels
The CT-7000 S3's dry contact timing channels (up to 6 channels) are used to time the circuit breaker main
contacts. Each main contact timing channel is capable of detecting the main contact and insertion resistor contact time. Timing results are displayed in milliseconds and cycles.
Breaker Stroke and Velocity
Three dedicated digital travel transducer channels are available on the CT-7000 S3 for measuring circuitbreaker contact stroke, velocity, over-travel, and bounce back. With the use of the Vanguard digital travel transducers, neither calibration nor setting is required. Circuit breaker contact velocity is calculated based on contact’s travel distance over a period of time. Special formulas to calculate velocity is also accommodated by the CT-7000 S3. Special feature is also available to “Slow-Close” test the circuit breaker and obtain a test result report.
Resistor Type Transducer Inputs
The CT-7000 S3 offers 3 resistor type transducer input channels. These input channels are used to interface
with any resistor-type transducers to monitor the circuit breaker motion. Transducer resistance ranges from 200Ohms to 10K Ohms.
Voltage Monitoring Channels
The CT-7000 S3 features three voltage monitoring input channels (V1, V2, and V3). The V1 voltage
channel is dedicated to monitoring the substation DC supply or coil voltage (0-255 V, DC or peak AC). The nominal and minimum DC supply voltage levels are recorded and printed on the tabulated report. An analog waveform showing the DC power supply is plotted on the graphical report. The two digital voltage input channels, V2 and V3, are dedicated to monitoring voltage on/off status presence or absence of the circuit
breaker auxiliary switches. Digital waveforms showing V2 and V3 activity are plotted on the
graphical report. Three timing events of the V2 and V3 activities are recorded and printed on the
tabulated report.
Breaker Initiate Features
A built-in solid-state initiate device is used to
operate a breaker from the CT-7000 S3. Operational
modes include OPEN, CLOSE, OPENCLOSE,
Multiple operation like OPEN-CLOSE, CLOSEOPEN,
and OPEN-CLOSE-OPEN can be initiated
by using a programmable delay time (in
milliseconds) or by sensing a specifi c breaker
contact condition.
Computer Interface
The CT-7000 S3 can be computer-controlled
via the USB or optional Bluetooth interface.
Windows-based Circuit Breaker Analysis
Software is provided with each unit. Using this
software, circuit breakers can be timed from the
PC. Test records can be retrieved from the CT-
7000 S3 and then stored on the PC for future
analysis and report generation. Circuit breaker
test plans can also be created on the PC and
transferred to the CT-7000 S3. Additionally, test
records can be automatically exported in Excel,
PDF, and XML formats.
OPEN/CLOSE Coil Current Monitoring
One built-in, hall-effect sensor records the
OPEN/CLOSE coil current amplitude and
waveform. The circuit breaker’s coil current
waveform, effectively, a coil performance “fi ngerprint”
or “current profi le”, can be used as a
diagnostic tool for analyzing the circuit breaker’s
Built-in Thermal Printer
The CT-7000 S3's built-in 4.5" wide thermal
printer can print the breaker contact analysis
results in both tabular and graphic formats