testo 608-H2 - Thermal hygrometer

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 608-H2 - Thermal hygrometer


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testo 608-H2 - Thermal hygrometer

Code: testo 608-H2 0560 6082
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.75 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 608-H2 thermal hygrometer measures and displays the air temperature and humidity, and calculates and displays the dew point. The meter’s large, easy to read display also allows you to see the readings from a distance.
In addition, the testo 608-H2 can display both minimum and maximum values, and has an LED visual alarm that is activated when the user-defined upper or lower threshold is exceeded.
The high precision, long term stable humidity sensor ensures that your easy to use, easy to clean measuring device provides you with reliable readings for years to come.
The testo 608-H2 thermal hygrometer has a battery life of approximately one year, and a battery status indicator that shows when the battery is running low.


  • Measures and displays temperature and humidity
  • Calculates and displays the dew point
  • LED alarm is activated when thresholds are exceeded
  • Long-lasting quality: long-time stable humidity sensor guarantees years of measuring

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Product: testo 608-H2 - Thermal hygrometer