testo 440 - Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument

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testo 440 - Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument

Code: testo 440 0560 4401
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 6 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 440 stores up to 7,500 measurement protocols, which can be read via USB port and further processed as a CSV file on your computer (e.g. with Excel). With the testo Bluetooth / IrDA printer (sold separately), you have the ability to produce a printed report of measurement data directly on site.

Intelligent calibration concept for maximum precision

You can rely on the accuracy of your measurement results with our digital probes, because the testo 440 makes measurement uncertainty a thing of the past. You only need to send the probes in for calibration, meaning the multifunction instrument can remain in continuous use with a variety of interchangeable probes.


Advantages of measuring with the testo 440 air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument

  • Large range of connectable probes: Hot wire and vane probe (Ø 0.6") for measurements in ducts, large vane probes (Ø 4") for measurements at air/ceiling outlets
  • Calculate volume flow quickly: In the measurement menu, simply configure the dimensions and geometry of the duct cross-section and see the volume flow displayed straight away
  • Easy to carry out measurements in larger ducts, due to the extendable telescope on the hot wire and vane probes (Ø 0.6"), up to a total length of about 6.5 feet
  • Carry out measurements at air/ceiling outlets effortlessly, without using a ladder – fit the vane probe (Ø 4") with the extendable telescope and 90° angle (both sold separately)
  • Use the vane probes in conjunction with the testovent measurement funnels and flow straighteners to test incoming / outgoing air at plate outlets, ventilation grills, and swirl outlets
  • Practical Bluetooth interface: Use the air velocity probes to measure without having to deal with any bothersome cables, operate the measuring instrument by pressing the button on the handle of the probe, e.g. to start or stop a timed mean calculation
  • Use the practical rear magnets to securely attach the multifunction measuring instrument to metal surfaces (e.g. ventilation ducts)


Long-term monitoring of indoor air quality

  • The right probe for your requirements: Probes for CO2, CO, and air temperature and humidity are available as wired or Bluetooth variants
  • Easy to use: Enter the measurement period and interval for long-term measurement, and track it over the course of the day
  • Internal memory for up to 7,500 measurement protocols


Turbulence measurement in accordance with EN ISO 7730 / ASHRAE 55 

  • Attain a high level of accuracy, even at low air velocities, with a turbulence probe
  • Automatic calculation of draft risk and degree of turbulence in accordance with EN ISO 7730 / ASHRAE 55
  • For convenient measurements at varying heights, we recommend using our measuring tripod for comfort level measurement – this makes it easy to position turbulence probes in compliance with testing standards


Wide range of probes for laboratories and cleanrooms 

  • Fume hood probe for high precision air velocity measurements
  • Thanks to its low startup speed of 0.1 m/s, the available vane probe (Ø 4") is ideal for laminar flow measurements in cleanrooms, available as a wired or Bluetooth variant
  • High precision temperature / humidity probe (0636 9771 or 0636 9772) with an accuracy of ±0.6% RH + 0.7% of m.v. in the 0-90% RH range for measuring the humidity in cleanrooms

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Product: testo 440 - Air velocity and IAQ measuring instrument