Seba KMT vLocML2 Pipeline Location and Tracing for Underground Pipes and Cables metallic     ROM     ENG  
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Cable Fault Locators > SEBAKMT (50) > Seba KMT vLocML2 Pipeline Location and Tracing for Underground Pipes and Cables


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Seba KMT vLocML2 Pipeline Location and Tracing for Underground Pipes and Cables

Code: Seba-KMT Vivax vLocML2
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.56 Mb)

» Technical Specs


The vLocML provides the ability to line locate (only), marker locate (only), or to do both simultaneously. Search for individual marker types (power, gas, water, etc) or search for all marker types. 

Most combined marker locators are dramatically heavier than a standard locator, and often have heavy clumsy fold down antennas. The carbon fiber technology used by Vivax-Metrotech makes the vLocML a light ergonomic product.




The vLocML2 includes all functions of the vLocPro2 and


Location of passive markers which are used by utility

companies for labelling underground lines

Colour-coded display of the signal strength

Specifi c line location mode

Specifi c marker location mode

Mode for simultaneous location of lines and markers

» Standard included accessories


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories



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Product: Seba KMT vLocML2 Pipeline Location and Tracing for Underground Pipes and Cables metallic