Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg HM400 Analogic oscilloscopes Cathode rays price Scope Cheap low cost     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > Hameg (15) > Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg HM400


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Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg HM400

Code: Hameg HM400
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.33 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 40 MHz bandwidth
  • 2 analog channels
  • Time Base 100ns/div.…0.2s/div., with X magnification to 10ns/div
  • Reference-Class in sensitivity and input voltage range 
  • 2 Channels with deflection coefficients 1mV/div.…20V/div., variable up to 50V/div. 
  • Low noise measuring amplifiers with high pulse fidelity and minimum overshoot 
  • Peak to peak trigger for stable triggering 0…50MHz at 0.5div. signal level (up to 80MHz at 1 div.) 
  • Autoset, Save/Recall Memories for 6 instrument settings 
  • Yt- and XY-Mode with Z-Input for intensity modulation 
  • Component characterisation with component tester (two terminal network measurement) for use within service etc. 
  • Low power consumption, no fan

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Product: Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg HM400 Analogic oscilloscopes Cathode rays price Scope Cheap low cost