Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg CombiScope HM507 Analog oscilloscope, Analogic oscilloscopes, Cathode rays oscilloscope, Cathode ray oscilloscopes, Cheap Oscilloscope, Scope     ROM     ENG  
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Oscilloscopes > Hameg (15) > Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg CombiScope HM507


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Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg CombiScope HM507

Code: CombiScope HM507
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.7 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 50 MHz bandwidth
  • 2 analog channels
  • Time Base 20ns/div.…100s/div
  • 100MSa/s Real Time Sampling, 2GSa/s Random Sampling 
  • 2kPts Memory per Channel 
  • Deflection Coefficients 1mV/div.…20V/div.
  • 8-Bit Low Noise Flash A/D Converters 
  • Programmable mathematical Signal Processing 
  • Acquisition Modes: Single, Refresh, Envelope, Average, Roll 
  • RS-232 Interface for Control and Signal Data Transfer, incl. Windows® Software
  • optional: Multifunction Interface HO79-6

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Product: Analog Oscilloscope 2 x 40 MHz Hameg CombiScope HM507 Analog oscilloscope, Analogic oscilloscopes, Cathode rays oscilloscope, Cathode ray oscilloscopes, Cheap Oscilloscope, Scope Osciloscopio, Oszilloskop, Osiloskop, Oscilloscope for sale, Cheap Oscilloscope, probes, lcd display, cursor, trigger, timing, capturing function, cathode ray, magnitude, sweeping