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Silverwing is the leading manufacturer of Non Destructive Testing - NDT equipment for storage tanks, vessels and pipeline inspection within the oil, gas and petro-chemical industries.

We have 30 years’ experience in the design, development, manufacture and sales of advanced, seamless NDT inspection equipment ranging from MFL tank floor scanners to advanced UT corrosion mapping system. Our equipment allows engineers to evaluate the condition of industrial assets, supporting effective and safe operation


Produse  @  SILVERWING

Biomedical Balante Microscoape
• Sisteme inspectie ultrasunete
  Sistem inspectie defecte fund rezervor cu Scanare Silverwing - Floormap MFL
  Sistem scanare coroziune fund rezervoare Silverwing - Handscan Tank Bottom Corrosion Screening
  Silverwing - Pipescan MFL Sistem scanare si detectie corozie tevi conducte tuburi
  Silverwing - Swift and Scorpion2 Sistem scanare cu ultrasunete inspectie defecte materiale si grosime strat
  Silverwing - RMS2 U Sistem mapare zone corozive cu ultrasunete
  Silverwing - R-Scan Sistem ultrasonic scanare manuala detectie coroziuni si grosime straturi
  Silverwing - V750 Sistem inspectie sudura rezervor cu vacuum

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Brand: SILVERWING NDT Romania Distribuitor Autorizat reprezentanta dealer Sisteme inspectie si analiza non-destructiva