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Active Technologies
was founded in 2002 by a staff of engineers from the University of Ferrara involved in large EU research experiments mostly vs semiconductor test and innovative instrumentation design.
Company is evolving to deliver the industry’s best signal stimulus solution by using disruptive and innovative DACs technology design.
This allows an easy generation of very complex signals, combined with controllable jitter, noise and other signal impairments.
Our products fits nicely advance research pulse generation providing best in class pulse generation, great solution in complex defense electronics application such radar pulse generation and EW signaling and modulation.
The disruptive AT DACs technology is also combining great performance Value and cost effective solution for industrial application such automotive and Power combining best in class performance and price solution.



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Brand: ACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Romania Distribuitor Autorizat reprezentanta Generatoare de impulsuri, Generatoare forme de unda arbitrare