Universal Digital Frequency Counter 3 GHz Hameg HM8123 price meter

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Universal Digital Frequency Counter 3 GHz Hameg HM8123

Code: Hameg HM8123
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.41 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • Measurement Range 0Hz…3GHz 
  • 2 Measurement Inputs DC…200MHz, 1 Measurement Input 100MHz…3GHz 
  • Input Impedance A/B: 1MΩ/50Ω (switchable), Sensitivity 25mVrms 
  • Input Impedance C: 50Ω, Sensitivity 30mVrms 
  • 400 MHz Time Base with 0.5ppm Stability 
  • 10-Digit Resolution at 10s Gate Time 
  • 9 Measurement Functions, external Gate and Arming 
  • Input for external Time Base (10MHz) 
  • Standard: TCXO (Temperature Stability: ±0.5 x 10-6)
  • Optional: OCXO (Temperature Stability: ±1 x 10-8) 
  • Intuitive One-Pushbutton Operation each Function directly addressable 
  • Galvanically isolated USB/RS-232 Interface, optional IEEE-488 (GPIB)

» Standard included accessories

  • Operator’s Manual

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

  • HZ20 Adapter, BNC to 4mm banana
  • HZ24 Attenuators 50 Ω (3/6/10/20 dB)
  • HZ33 Test Cable 50 Ω (BNC-BNC) 0.5 m
  • HZ34 Test Cable 50 Ω (BNC-BNC) 1.0 m

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Product: Universal Digital Frequency Counter 3 GHz Hameg HM8123 price meter