Shielding Box with Conveyer for Mass Production Lines Micronix ME8668 radiation     ROM     ENG  
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Anechoic Chambers > MICRONIX (12) > Shielding Box with Conveyer for Mass Production Lines Micronix ME8668


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Shielding Box with Conveyer for Mass Production Lines Micronix ME8668

Code:  Micronix ME8668
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.19 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • A model equiping with automatic conveyer for mass production line.
  • Outside dimensions : 922 (W) × 794 (H) × 731 (D) mm
  • Inside dimensions : 801 (W) × 610 (H) × 610 (D) mm
  • Weight : approx. 94kg (include automatic conveyer)
  • Capable of customizing.

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Product: Shielding Box with Conveyer for Mass Production Lines Micronix ME8668 radiation