Electromagnetic Anechoic Box Air Fan Cooled Micronix MY1515 shield shielded radio emission absorber

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Anechoic Chambers > MICRONIX (12) > Electromagnetic Anechoic Box Air Fan Cooled Micronix MY1515


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Electromagnetic Anechoic Box Air Fan Cooled Micronix MY1515

Code: Micronix MY1515
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.13 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • Type equipping with exhaust fan and intake
  • As the temperature rise in box is suppressed, the ideal test environment is provided even during long time operation.


Model   MY1515

Outside dimensions
Inside dimensions
Weight approx.
Shielding characteristics
Reflection loss

I/F Module installation capacity

Type equipping with exhaust fan and intake

10kg (without I/F Module
more than 60dB @ 2.4GHz
more than 20dB @ ≧ 2.4GHz, MYA-75
(the maximum force of the wind @ 50Hz)
8 pcs of SMA @ back
1 module @ back

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

Small size (MY1510)
I/F Module
Medium size (MY1520)
I/F Module
Wooden table
Radio wave absorberMYA-77
Radio wave absorberMYA-79)
Large size (MY1530)
I/F Module
Wooden table
Turn table unit
Radio wave absorberMYA-75
Radio wave absorberMYA-79)


The I/F module is a module on which AC supply, DC supply, LAN, USB, SMA, BNC, N, Triaxial and/or D-sub connectors are mounted. All of the I/F modules are common to Taurus series.



Mounted connectors


IFM1 AC(1pc, LAN1pc, USB1pc, D-sub9pin1pc


IFM2 AC1pc, LAN2pcs, USB2pcs, D-sub9pin1pc


AC1pc, LAN2pcs, USB2pcs, D-sub25pin1pc


DC1pc, LAN1pc, USB1pc, D-sub9pin1pc, D-sub25pin1pc


SMA2pcs, BNC2pcs, N2pcs, Triaxial2pcs


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Product: Electromagnetic Anechoic Box Air Fan Cooled Micronix MY1515 shield shielded radio emission absorber