testo Saveris 2-H1 - Wi-Fi temperature and humidity data logger

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo Saveris 2-H1 - Wi-Fi temperature and humidity data logger


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testo Saveris 2-H1 - Wi-Fi temperature and humidity data logger

Code: testo Saveris 2-H1 0572 2034
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.65 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo Saveris 2-H1 Wi-Fi temperature and humidity logger measures and reliably records temperature and humidity values, with its internal temperature and humidity probes, over long periods. When used with the testo Cloud service, measurements are available anytime, anywhere, via an internet connected device, such as a tablet, PC, or smartphone.


The testo Saveris 2-H2 Wi-Fi data logger is easily installed. Select the appropriate testo Cloud license to fit your company’s needs, connect through your WLAN network, then log in to the testo Cloud to configure the logger and begin collecting measurements. Logger and system settings, alarm settings, and outputs are quickly set. Now relax, because Saveris 2 is on the job, and will alert you if a limit or problem is detected.

The logger itself displays the current measurement values, alarm conditions, and the remaining battery life. The standard batteries (AA) have a life expectancy of 24 months, and can be replaced as needed. The internal data storage of the Wi-Fi data logger has a capacity of 10,000 measurement values per channel/measurement type.



  • Internal temperature and humidity sensor
  • Large, easy to read display
  • Automatically transmits data over 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi networks
  • Stores up to 10,000 values per channel (temperature and humidity)

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Product: testo Saveris 2-H1 - Wi-Fi temperature and humidity data logger