testo 926 - Temperature meter

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testo 926 - Temperature meter

Code: testo 926 - 0560 9261
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.55 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 926 is a compact and reliable, easy-to-use digital temperature meter designed to help you check food in commercial kitchens, catering, top food service and commercial and industrial environments.

It is certified according to HACCP and EN 13485 and ideal for use in the food sector. User-defined thresholds make it easier for you to carry out your daily work and an audible alarm warns when thresholds are exceeded. Min/max values are saved automatically.


Flexible and wireless - sensors for the testo 926 temperature meter

The testo 926 comes with a wide range of sensors for a broad range of applications. Sensors include: standard food/frozen food sensors / discreet sensors (leave only the smallest of puncture marks) / heat resistant sensors (for checking oven temperatures) / wireless sensors (for transmitting data).

You will need a sensor to start using your meter. Select one or more sensors from our selection to personalise your meter or order your start-up kit that comes with a standard food sensor.


Standard design for use in the field. Extra add-ons for even more efficiency and convenience

The testo 926 comes standard-equipped with a host of practical features. You can select from a wide range of optional sensors – including a wireless sensor – to upgrade your meter and your possibilities.

There is also a wireless turbo printer for on-site printing and a TopSafe protective cover that protects your meter against water, dirt and impact. Simply remove and pop into the dishwasher to clean.



  • Connectivity for an attachable/wireless sensor
  • Wide range of optional sensors to suit your individual needs
  • User-defined thresholds / audible alarm alerts when threshold exceeded
  • Certified according to HACCP and EN 13485 / ideal for use with food



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Product: testo 926 - Temperature meter