testo 635-1 - Humidity measuring instrument

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 635-1 - Humidity measuring instrument


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testo 635-1 - Humidity measuring instrument

Code: testo 635-1 0560 6351
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 2.34 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 635-1 is for measuring air moisture, material equilibrium moisture, and pressure dew point in compressed air systems. Up to 3 temperature or humidity probes can be displayed; data transmission is radio-controlled, or wireless. Measurement data can be transmitted by infrared to the Testo printer. It is also possible, during cyclical printing, to print measurement data once every minute, for example.
The testo 635-1 immediately displays the dew point difference between ambient air and the wall surface, when analyzing moisture on walls and ceilings.
There are precision probes up to -60°C tpd available to inspect pressure dewpoint in compressed air systems. The humidity sensor developed by Testo has proven itself world-wide and has outstanding features in terms of precision, long-term stability, temperature resistance and robustness.


  • Probes available as an option mean you can measure air humidity, temperature, absolute pressure, and dew point in compressed air
  • Measures air moisture, material equilibrium moisture, pressure dew point
  • Calculates dew point and dew point distance
  • Cyclical printing of readings once a minute, for example



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Product: testo 635-1 - Humidity measuring instrument