testo 552 - Digital vacuum / micron gauge with Bluetooth

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 552 - Digital vacuum / micron gauge with Bluetooth


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testo 552 - Digital vacuum / micron gauge with Bluetooth

Code: testo 552 - 0560 5522
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.58 Mb)

» Technical Specs

Precise deep vacuum measurements measured at single digit resolutions are carried out with Pirani sensors. The testo 552 provides real-time calculations for the saturation temperature of water, which determines the proper micron / temperature levels at which moisture is removed from the system. These internal calculations inform you when the pressure is low enough to meet your evacuation target. This saves you time, and assures that the system is now free from moisture and contaminants. User defined alarm points alert you when target values are reached.
The new and improved testo 552 with Bluetooth links to your smartphone or device, and to the free testo Smart Probes app.



  • Precise and reliable vacuum measurements, 1 micron resolution
  • Displays the saturation temperature of H2O to ensure full and proper evacuation
  • Illuminated, backlit display with visual alarm for evacuation pressure
  • Wireless Bluetooth communication to smartphone or tablet provides powerful analysis and reporting to display data, create reports, and send via email or SMS



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Product: testo 552 - Digital vacuum / micron gauge with Bluetooth