testo 470 - Tachometer kit

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 470 - Tachometer kit


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testo 470 - Tachometer kit

Code: testo 470 - 0563 0470
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.22 Mb)

» Technical Specs

Do you need to measure the rpm of rotating objects or record the length and speed of conveyor belts and rotors? The testo 470 tachometer is a compact tool that makes it possible to carry out these measurements.


Multiple functions in one tachometer

In the case of optical rpm measurement, you can use the testo 470 tachometer to record how fast a rotating object rotates. Thus, for example, you can check whether motors, shafts, and fans are functioning correctly, in order to spot any impending defects due to overload at an early stage.

For rpm measurement, simply stick a reflective marker on the measurement object, and aim the visible red beam at the reflective marker. The measurement can then start (at a distance of up to 600 mm between the tachometer and measurement object). The tachometer is easy to operate using one hand.

The testo 470 tachometer not only provides the functions of an optical tachometer, it also functions as a mechanical tachometer. Attach the adapter for the probe tip and measure the rpm mechanically. Attach the wheel to also measure speeds and lengths of rotors or conveyor belts.

You get the testo 470 tachometer in a transport case with practical accessories (reflective markers, SoftCase, etc.).



  • Simple one-hand operation
  • Measurement of rpm, speeds and lengths
  • Storage of mean, max. and min. values as well as the last reading 
  • Includes accessories such as reflective markers, protective case and transport case



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Product: testo 470 - Tachometer kit