testo 405 - Pocket-sized thermal anemometer

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Gas Analyzers > TESTO (35) > testo 405 - Pocket-sized thermal anemometer


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testo 405 - Pocket-sized thermal anemometer

Code: testo 405 - 0560 4053
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.08 Mb)

» Technical Specs

If, in your capacity as an HVAC engineer, you carry out fast check measurements in ventilation ducts or in rooms, then the testo 405 thermal anemometer is a must-have. The anemometer features a permanently mounted telescope and enables you to measure air flow, volumetric flow, and air temperature. The measuring range for flow is from 0 to 10 m/s, and volumetric flows are calculated up to 99,990 m3/h.
The extendible telescope (up to 300 mm) makes the thermal anemometer particularly suitable for flow measurements in ventilation ducts. The illuminated display can be swivelled into various positions, ensuring that the readings can be read comfortably. The duct bracket (included in the delivery) offers key practical advantages. You can use this to optimally position the telescope in the ventilation duct and obtain precise measurement results.
Since the testo 405 thermal anemometer measures particularly accurately in the range between 0 and 2 m/s, you can also use it to measure the air velocity in rooms. Low air velocities, at drafty windows for example, are quickly located and accurately measured using the anemometer.
Integrated sensor protection: When you are not using the testo 405 thermal anemometer, the rotating protective cap protects the flow sensor from mechanical stress.



  • Volume flow calculation of up to 99,990 m3/h
  • Easily read data at any angle with rotating display
  • Telescopic handle up to 300 mm
  • Ideal for measurements in ducts



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Product: testo 405 - Pocket-sized thermal anemometer