testo 330i LX - Advanced flue gas analyzer kit

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Gas Analyzers > TESTO (35) > testo 330i LX - Advanced flue gas analyzer kit


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testo 330i LX - Advanced flue gas analyzer kit

Code: testo 330i LX 0563 3000 S2
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.47 Mb)

» Technical Specs

At the core of the innovative testo 330i flue gas analyzer is the measuring technology of the preceding model testo 330 LL, which has been proven in practice a thousand times over. The outstanding technical features of this flue gas analyzer, such as its user-replaceable long-life sensors, integrated draught and gas zeroing or CO/fresh air dilution have been combined with a revolutionary new method of operation.


The first remote-controlled flue gas analyzer

Operation of the testo 330i flue gas analyzer and the display of readings are implemented wirelessly via the testo 330i App on your smartphone or tablet. Therefore, when making adjustments to the system, you always have the readings to hand. In the App you can also enter customer data, make adjustments to the measuring instrument settings and add comments or photos to measurement protocols on site and send them to the customer or your office via e-mail. If you need the results of your work on paper – no problem: The advanced set also includes a Bluetooth printer with a mains unit.
Requirement: iOS 7.1 / Android 4.3 or newer. Mobile end device with Bluetooth 4.0.




  • Operation independent of measuring location and display of readings via smartphone or tablet and the testo 330i App
  • Paperless documentation and report creation on site with the testo 330i App
  • Reliable attachment of the flue gas probe with the testoFix probe holder
  • Robust, completely enclosed plastic housing for use in harsh environments



Conținut pachet:

    testo 330i flue gas analyzer with H2-compensated CO sensor (0632 3000 51)

    Modular flue gas probe with hose, 650 mm (0600 9780)

    Combustion air temperature probe, 190 mm (0600 9787)

    International mains unit (0554 1096)

    testoFix probe holder for probes with a diameter of 8 mm (0554 3006)

    testo 330i BLUETOOTH®/IRDA printer (0554 0621)

    Instrument case for testo 330i, probes and accessories (dimensions: 520 × 130 × 400 mm, W × H × D) (0516 3302)

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Product: testo 330i LX - Advanced flue gas analyzer kit