testo 270 - Cooking oil tester

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Environment Testers > TESTO (80) > testo 270 - Cooking oil tester


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testo 270 - Cooking oil tester

Code: testo 270 0563 2750
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 0.4 Mb)

» Technical Specs

The testo 270 cooking oil tester measures Total Polar Material (TPM) content in the oil and displays this as a percentage. As the oil is used, TPM increases. For every deep fried food, there is a point where overused oil will compromise the cooking oil quality and taste and presentation of that food. Measuring the %TPM level assures that the quality of the oil is optimized without fear of endangering the brand. In addition to this, a %TPM reading of greater than 24 can cause health concerns. Regular measurement with the testo 270 can prevent this. The use of the cooking oil tester also prevents changing the oil too soon, thus tossing away a very expensive commodity before you should. The TPM limit values can also be individually defined, and can, like other instrument configurations, be protected from inadvertent configuration changes by a PIN.



  • Improved ergonomic handle and rugged design
  • Easy to clean under running water (IP65)
  • Large, illuminated back-lit display and LED visual alarm indication
  • Hold and auto-hold function



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Product: testo 270 - Cooking oil tester