Vector Signal Generator 100 kHz..3 GHz/ 6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz SMJ100A HF generators Radio Microwave High frequency i/q Vector am fm pulse width modulation price     ROM     ENG  
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Signal Generators > Rohde & Schwarz (8) > Vector Signal Generator 100 kHz..3 GHz/ 6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz SMJ100A


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Vector Signal Generator 100 kHz..3 GHz/ 6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz SMJ100A

Code: Rohde & Schwarz SMJ100A
Rohde & Schwarz
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 3.24 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 100 kHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz Frequency range
  • 200 MHz RF bandwidth IQ modulator
  • - 133 dBc Very low SSB phase noise of typ. (f = 1 GHz, 20 kHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
  • Wideband noise of typ. -153 dBc (CW, f = 1 GHz, >10 MHz carrier offset, 1 Hz measurement bandwidth)
  • Excellent ACLR performance of typ. +69 dB for 3GPP FDD (test model 1, 64 DPCHs)
  • High-stability reference oscillator as standard
  • High level repeatability
  • Very short frequency and level setting times (<2 ms); only 450 µs in List mode
  • Electronic attenuator up to 6 GHz over the full level range
  • Flexible high speed measurements with RF List mode and multisegment waveforms
  • Support of EUTRA/LTE signal generation
  • Support of WiMAX™ IEEE 802.16-2004/Corr1-2005, 802.16e-2005, and WiBro
  • Four code channels in realtime for 3GPP FDD, support of HSPA and HSPA+
  • Mixed frames with GSM, EDGE and EGPRS2 slots in one frame (with same symbol rate per frame)
  • Baseband generator with universal coder for realtime signal generation
  • Arbitrary waveform generator with 16 Msample, 64 Msample or 128 Msample
  • Arbitrary waveform generator supported by R&S®WinIQSIM2™ and R&S®WinIQSIM™ simulation software
  • Color display with 800 × 600 pixels (SVGA format)
  • Intuitive user interface with graphical display of signal flow (block diagram)
  • Graphical display of baseband signal through built-in transients recorder
  • Context-sensitive Help system
  • Tooltips for all edit fields
  • Optional digital I/Q output; support of R&S®EX-IQ-Box for flexible data formats and clock generation
  • Support of R&S®NRP power sensors
  • Remote control via LAN (Gigabit Ethernet, VXI11) and GPIB
  • Remote operation via Windows Remote Desktop or VNC
  • User-selectable trigger and marker signals
  • USB connectors for keyboard, mouse, and memory stick
  • LXI class C compliance

» Standard included accessories


» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

  • SMJ-B103 100 kHz to 3 GHz
  • SMJ-B106 100 kHz to 6 GHz

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Product: Vector Signal Generator 100 kHz..3 GHz/ 6 GHz Rohde & Schwarz SMJ100A HF generators Radio Microwave High frequency i/q Vector am fm pulse width modulation price