Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz..4/ 8/ 14/ 20 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVB Vector network analyzer, vna, vsa, microwave analyzer, semiconductor, S parameters, scalar analyzer, impedance analyzer     ROM     ENG  
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Spectrum Analyzers > Rohde & Schwarz (15) > Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz..4/ 8/ 14/ 20 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVB


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Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz..4/ 8/ 14/ 20 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVB

Code: Rohde & Schwarz ZVB4/ ZVB8/ ZVB14/ ZVB20
Rohde & Schwarz
 Product Datasheet (*.PDF - 1.27 Mb)

» Technical Specs

  • 300 kHz to 4 GHz/ 8 GHz or
  • 10 MHz to 14 GHz/ 20 GHz
  • Instruments with two or four test ports – for multiport and balanced measurements
  • Two internal sources (four-port models) – to provide RF and LO signals for mixer measurements by means of a single unit
  • Capability to perform balanced measurements – to characterize balanced DUTs by their mixed mode S-parameters
  • Optional automatic calibration units – to speed up calibration and avoid operator errors
  • 60001 points per trace
  • Dynamic range better than 123 dB (typ. 130 dB)
  • Power sweep range >50 dB
  • Measurement time < 4.5 ms for 201 test points (frequency sweep)
  • Switching time between channels < 1 ms
  • Switching time between instrument setups < 10 ms
  • Data transfer time < 0.7 ms (201 test points via RSIB)
  • Simultaneous measurement of more than one DUT
  • Intuitive Windows-based operation via mouse
  • Operation by means of hardkeys and softkeys
  • Large number of channels, traces and setups that can be loaded simultaneously
  • LXI Class C conformant

» Recommended Options, Services and Accessories

  • R&S ZVB4 Vector Network Analyzer 2 ports, 300 kHz to 4 GHz Test ports: N (f)
  • R&S ZVB4 Vector Network Analyzer 4 ports, 300 kHz to 4 GHz Test ports: N (f)
  • R&S ZVB8 Vector Network Analyzer 2 ports, 300 kHz to 8 GHz Test ports: N (f)
  • R&S ZVB8 Vector Network Analyzer 4 ports, 300 kHz to 8 GHz Test ports: N (f)
  • R&S ZVB14 Vector Network Analyzer 2 ports, 10 MHz to 14 GHz Test ports: 3.5 mm (m), compact version
  • R&S ZVB14 Vector Network Analyzer 2 ports, 10 MHz to 14 GHz Test ports: 3.5 mm (m), high-box version
  • R&S ZVB14 Vector Network Analyzer 4 ports, 10 MHz to 14 GHz Test ports: 3.5 mm (m)
  • R&S ZVB20 Vector Network Analyzer 2 ports, compact version 10 MHz to 20 GHz Test ports: 3.5 mm (m)

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Product: Vector Network Analyzer 300 kHz..4/ 8/ 14/ 20 GHz Rohde & Schwarz ZVB Vector network analyzer, vna, vsa, microwave analyzer, semiconductor, S parameters, scalar analyzer, impedance analyzer vector network analyzer tutorial, vector antenna analyzer, wafer, S11 S21 S12 S22, analyze f ilters, antennas, MRI coils, RFIDs, CATV components, spectrum analysis, spektrum analyzer, spectral analysis, using spectrum analyzer, spectrum analyzer tutorial, spectrum analyzer bandwith, spectrum analyzer software